Already 3000 people have crossed channel this year

Already 3000 people have crossed channel this year

More than 3000 people have crossed the English Channel in small boats so far this year.

The figure is around double the number who had crossed at the same time last year.

Latest official figures from the Home Office show that 2,950 people had made the journey in flimsy inflatables since the start of January.

At this point last year, fewer than 1,500 had crossed the English Channel.

Weather conditions in the English Channel have been poor for most of the last two months, with only a handful of days offering flat calm conditions.

One of the main migrant camps, around the railway tracks near Dunkirk, has been cleared by French authorities in recent days.

However, other makeshift camps have sprung up nearby, offering shelter to thousands as they wait to cross illegally to the UK in the coming days and weeks.






