America Has Spoken

America Has Spoken

America has spoken! The voters of the USA had a very clear choice:

Between an Abortion enthusiast and the man whose Supreme Court appointment has already saved the lives of untold thousands of innocent babies. There are different views on this, but the people of the United States have made theirs clear.

Between a woman who believes that children can choose and change their sex, and a man who believes that God made Man and Woman. There are different views on this, but the people of the United States have made theirs clear.

Between a regime which has poured billions into an unjust war in the Ukraine and a man who has repeatedly promised to strive for peace. There are different views on this, but the people of the United States have made theirs clear.

Between unlimited immigration and a promise to try to keep America American. There are different views on this, but the people of the United States have made theirs clear.


These are not political points, they are simple statements of fact. America has spoken.

We pray that President-elect Donald Trump be guided by God and inspired to keep the promises which got him elected, and in particular that he will genuinely strive for peace and justice in Eastern Europe; the Middle East and the Far East. Deus Vult!



