American? Join the US Army Reserve!

American? Join the US Army Reserve!

Across the world, the Day of Reckoning draws ever nearer. The day when the Islamists launch their hammer blow against our civilization – the day when we have to fight like lions for all we hold dear.


Not against our fellow Christian Europeans in Russia – although the neocon elite and their hostage-President are doing their best to spark that conflict – but against the Islamist Beast.

Even if your patch of vast America is safe, what about your brothers and sisters in the areas where hell breaks loose? What about the Christians of the Middle East and the betrayed peoples of Europe?

The most common question by an agent provocateur in any supposedly ‘hardline’ group is “where can I get military training?” The only safe – and sensible – answer is “Join the Army Reserve, they’ll even pay you!”

Be ready! Sign up! Get trained!



