At Last! An Anglican Bishop Stand Up For The Unborn Child!
Needless to say, the first ever March For Life in London was blanked by the liberal media, including the pro-abortion BBC.
This was the first time the March had been held in London and estimates say there were 4000-5000 people there.
In Parliament Square they heard testimony from Rachel MacKenzie who had two abortions herself and works for the abortion recovery group “Rachel’s Vineyard”, as well as the testimony of a number of woman of different ethnicities and religions who decided not to have an abortion after being offered help by those same vigils that have just been shut down by Ealing Council.
Finally, the first ever Anglican bishop to attend the March for Life, Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali, said the closing prayer!
Abortion extremists, like the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS), want to introduce abortion up until birth in Britain! This is utterly barbaric! And as the March grows each year, Parliament will realise (as all the polling shows) that the public do not want this.
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