Coronavirus vaccines sending hundreds to ER

Coronavirus vaccines sending hundreds to ER

The list of people who have visited emergency rooms after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine is in the hundreds and those who have suffered adverse reactions is over 1,000, according to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

VAERS is a system of reporting managed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Federal Drug Administration (FDA). It collects information from the public regarding bad reactions to vaccines. The CDC and FDA find the data useful for detecting any potential problems early on with U.S.-licensed vaccines. According to its website, “Healthcare professionals are required to report certain adverse events and vaccine manufacturers are required to report all adverse events that come to their attention.”

Since the earliest days of the first injections administered, people started experiencing things like “nausea, tremors, stabbing pain, and wheezing.”  

“A healthcare worker at Bartlett Regional Hospital in Alaska suffered a suspected severe allergic reaction, or anaphylaxis, after receiving Pfizer’s vaccine. She was taken to the emergency room and spent several nights there before being discharged,” reported The Epoch Times.

Since then, a second health care worker from same hospital in Alaska also suffered adverse side effects from the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. Doctors administered epinephrine to open his airways. A statement posted in the city of Juneau’s website reads, “A second staff member experienced eye puffiness, light headedness, and scratchy throat ten minutes after being injected.”

Yet another Alaskan woman, an employee at Foundation Health Partners in Fairbanks, suffered an allergic reaction to the vaccine. This woman did not have “any known allergies but had previously experienced an adverse reaction to a bee sting. In a release, Foundation Health Partners said the employee was being monitored after receiving the vaccine when she began experiencing anaphylactic symptoms 10 minutes later,” reported WBTV.

“The system has received reports of 1,156 total adverse events. Of those, 17 have been ‘life threatening’ and two have led to a ‘permanent disability.’”

Thousands of others are self-reporting an inability to return immediately to work or perform normal daily activities after the vaccine. According to The Epoch Times, these incidents were reported through V-safe, “a smartphone application... that uses text messages and web surveys to provide personalized health check-ins, and allows users to quickly tell the CDC if they’re experiencing side effects.”

The FDA is supposedly investigating allergic reactions to the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine. It has warned the public.

“The FDA's current guidance says that most Americans with allergies should be cleared to take the vaccine but that people who've had severe reactions to other vaccines should not get vaccinated.”  Additionally, those who had reactions to the vaccine should not get a second dose.

Vaccine manufacturers cannot be sued if their products injure or kill someone, thanks to a federal law from the 1980s that mandates such cases are dealt with via the secretive National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. That program has been widely panned by vaccine safety watchdogs as inadequate and rigged against complainants.




