Could this be Atlantis? Ancient ruins off Spanish coast are Lost City declare satellite experts
The fabled lost city of Atlantis may finally have been discovered, according to a team of British historians. They have amassed evidence which is far more convincing than many previous claims to have found the ruins of the ‘mythical’ ancient civilisation. The video tells us more:
Ancient ruins examined using satellite imagery provide evidence that the city’s huge harbour walls once stood in southern Spain, the experts say.
Many of the sites studied by the team were already known to archaeologists, but were previously thought to have been constructed by the ancient Romans and Greeks.
Now researchers at private satellite imaging firm Merlin Burrows claim to have found evidence that the sites were in fact built by a mysterious ancient people known as the Atlanteans.
Atlantis was recorded in the writings of Greek philosopher Plato, who in 400 BC described an advanced island civilisation that ruled a vast maritime empire, some 9,000 years before his own era.
The city of Atlantis at the centre of this empire was described as having an enormous harbour wall, huge entrance pillars, a temple to the god Poseidon and massive circular pieces of land carved out by the Atlanteans to live on.
It is thought a cataclysmic natural disaster, such as a tsunami or volcanic event, eventually wiped out the Atlanteans, consigning their legacy to legend.
All the key features described by Plato fit with remains uncovered by the British team.
Experts at Merlin Burrows believe the flooded ruins of the legendary city are off the coast of southern Spain.
The location is north of the city of Cadiz, Andalucía, centred around the Doñana National Park, which the historians believe was once a vast inland sea.
And they claim that south and north of the park there is further evidence of the ancient civilisation, with 15 other settlements dotted along the coastline.
Most of these settlements are believed to be of Roman or Greek origin by archaeologists, as each civilisation once occupied the area.
But now using unique satellite investigation techniques, aerial photography and ground observations of the site, British experts believe they have found all the features of Atlantis Plato described and evidence of how they were destroyed.
Although some scholars believe Atlantis to be a myth, Merlin Burrows claim their discoveries will once and for all prove the lost civilisation existed.
Maritime historian Tim Akers, head of research at Merlin Burrows, said not only had they discovered Atlantis, but also found the people were incredibly advanced.
He said ‘laboratory analysis’ of material recovered from Spain showed evidence of a type of cement not seen before, as well as ancient advanced metallurgy.
A greenish blue patina has been found covering some of the ruins which tests have shown is an ancient combination of metals. Plato described the exact same thing.
If confirmed, this would be one more example of ancient legends being confirmed by modern archaeology. Iy has been proven true in the Bible lands, including ancient Egypt, in Crete and other Greek islands, and about the ancient city of Troy. Why should Atlantis be any different?