Democrats Block anti-infanticide Bill

Democrats Block anti-infanticide Bill

The Democrats like to virtue-signal their commitment to ‘human rights’ and their opposition to the death penalty for the vilest of cold-blooded killers, but when it comes to innocent newborn babies, they are happy to leave them to die in screaming agony!


That’s the stark truth that emerged on Monday when Senate Democrats blocked the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act that would have required health care professionals to protect the life of babies that survive an abortion attempt.

“Senate Democrats just voted against legislation to prevent the killing of newborn infant children. The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don’t mind executing babies AFTER birth….,” the President said in a statement on Twitter after a vote on the measure Monday.

“….This will be remembered as one of the most shocking votes in the history of Congress. If there is one thing we should all agree on, it’s protecting the lives of innocent babies,” he continued.

All but three Democrats voted against a procedural motion on the measure, preventing it from reaching the 60 votes needed for it to proceed, The Washington Post reported. The final vote count was 53 in favor and 44 opposed.

Republican Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah called the move “unconscionable & inhumane.”

“Tonight, Senate Democrats blocked a vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. It’s unconscionable & inhumane that some in our country, especially members of Congress, are unwilling to take a stand and support the lives of newborns who survive an abortion attempt,” he wrote on Twitter.



