Elite Bloodsuckers Move to Draft Girls

Elite Bloodsuckers Move to Draft Girls

Under the guise of 'equality', the same criminal elite who have sent generations of young American men to die in wars that are nothing to do with America are moving to draft girls and young women for their next insane foreign war.

New legislation mandating that girls register for the military draft is now one major step closer to implementation.

The requirement forcing young women between the ages of 18 and 26 to register for Selective Service now awaits only Senate reconciliation and the president’s signature after the U.S. House of Representatives voted last Thursday to pass a crucial national defense bill containing altered language forcing young women to be drafted alongside men in the event of future military conscription.

The $778 billion National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), an annual defense package, was passed after 181 Democrats and 135 Republicans in the House voted to approve it.

Only 38 Democrats and 75 Republicans voted against the legislation.

The policy bill will now be punted back to the Senate for reconciliation with an earlier version of the legislative package already approved by the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC).

The SASC had voted 23-2 to approve its version of the bill in a closed-door session on July 21, just days after it was announced that language in the existing draft law had been modified to eliminate reference to “males” and instead require “All Americans” between the ages of 18 and 26 to sign up for Selective Service.

Senate Armed Services Chair Jack Reed wrote the draft of the proposed changes in July, tacking them onto the NDAA for the 2022 fiscal year, a piece of legislation Congress was already poised to pass.

Under the new language, failure of young women to register for Selective Service would make them subject to the same penalties as men, including fines of up to $250,000 or imprisonment for up to five years. 

While the United States has not instituted a draft since the Vietnam War, moves to require women to sign up for Selective Service have grown over the years as more military occupations, including combat roles, have been opened to women.

Republican Rep. Mary Miller of Illinois opposed the NDAA with its current provisions regarding women and the draft, saying the significant alteration of language has been quietly implemented and is an example of the “left-wing, woke agenda gone too far.”

“As usual, with the Swamp, the biggest scandal in the bill is the quietest one that they are trying to sneak in and hope no one notices,” Miller said. “This defense authorization, for the first time in our history, would require teenage girls to register for the draft. No one knows about this because the Democrats have convinced the media that gender no longer exists so this isn’t a big deal.”

“But I want to make sure the American people know, the Democrats and, sadly, some Republicans want to draft your daughters,” the Illinois representative continued.

“This is wrong, and it’s immoral, but they are doing it anyway. We are definitely proud of the courageous women who have served and are serving in our military and defending our nation, but our mothers, sisters, wives and daughters should not be part of this draft. This is left-wing, woke agenda gone too far,” Miller said.



