Episcopal Church Plumbs New Low

Episcopal Church Plumbs New Low

The Episcopal Church in the USA has plumbed a new low in its 'post-Christian' rush to the gutter.

Just as parents and decent citizens are waking up to the dangers of trans confusion indoctrination in schools and beginning to fight back, the Episcopalians have issued a blanket endorsement of so-called “gender-affirming care” at any age.

The latest Episcopal House of Deputies Resolution includes the following trans horrors:


Resolved, that the 80th General Convention calls for the Episcopal Church to advocate for access to gender affirming care in all forms (social, medical, or any other) and at all ages as part of our Baptismal call to “respect the dignity of every human being”; and be it further

Resolved, that the 80th General Convention affirms that all Episcopalians should be able to partake in gender affirming care with no restriction on movement, autonomy, or timing; and be it further

Resolved, that the 80th General Convention understands that the protection of religious liberty extends to all Episcopalians who may need or desire to access, to utilize, to aid others in the procurement of, or to offer gender affirming care; and be it further

Resolved, that this 80th General Convention supports public policies at the local, state, and national levels in all our countries to support gender affirming care.

“Gender-affirming care” is trans-speak for sex changes and puberty blockers. It means castrations for the boys; double mastectomies for the girls; and life-long drug regimens that irreversibly damage those who take them - but a huge and endless new profit line for Big Pharma.

One of the most devastating revelations in the British NHS report into the disgusting and dangerous Tavistock Clinic is that puberty blockers impact brain development and decision making as well as deforming the genitals, eliminating sexual function, reducing bone growth, and destroying fertility.

Despite that — and despite warnings from clinicians and medical practitioners from France to Finland — the Episcopal Church has endorsed these practices “with no limit on timing.” As far as the Episcopalians are concerned, Johnny can get his sex change right after his public school teacher lets him know that it is an option.

This is disturbing but not surprising. The Episcopal Church has been post-Christian for some time, and has fully bought in to the premises of the transgender movement. The Anglicans have released pastoral guidance on how to perform a special “baptismal” service for transgender people with their new name and chosen gender; the Church of England has sought to actively recruit transgender clergy; former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams called on Boris Johnson to include transgenderism in his conversion therapy ban, despite warnings from experts who pointed out that it would actually prevent children from getting therapy they need to feel comfortable in their own bodies.

For a clergyman of Williams’ prominence to call for a law that would prevent pastoral care to those with unwanted gender dysphoria gives you an idea of just how far mainline Protestantism has plunged. Reading the Episcopal Church’s new declaration, a verse from Scripture came to mind:



