Evidence Mounts for Turin Shroud Authenticity

Evidence Mounts for Turin Shroud Authenticity

Prominent Covid Vax critic Dr. John Campbell has moved on to a new controversy - publicising fresh evidence for the authenticity of the Turin Shroud even as a new campaign against it is being pushed by anti-Christian elements in the mass media.

Campbell's analysis of the Turin Shroud moves on from previous known facgts such as the way in which the image was produced by a mysterious burst of energy in a process completely unknown to modern science. In addition to this, he highlights profound links to Gospel descriptions of Christ's suffering while showcasing pollen and soil samples that align with the place and time of the crucifixion.

Campbell offers “just one example” of the pollen “fingerprint” which places the shroud at the correct location and time of the crucifixion of Christ. He notes that “there’s a lot of pollen from Gundelia tournefort. It flowers in the Jerusalem area February to May – which of course is the time of the Jewish Passover.”

“The death of Jesus was at the time of the Jewish Passover,” he clarifies.

Samples of dirt from the shroud also support the Gospel’s account of Christ’s path along the Via Dolorosa to Calvary:

The shroud contains Jerusalem dirt found on the soles of the feet, [and] the left knee from where He fell.



