UK group launches trial to test experimental COVID-19 vaccine on children as young as six
UK group launches trial to test experimental COVID-19 vaccine on children as young as six
Follow @KnightsTempOrgOxford University’s Vaccine Group is recruiting children from the age of 6 to participate in an experimental COVID-19 vaccine trial, despite young children facing almost no danger from the virus.
“We have a new COVID-19 study open for recruitment. If your child is aged 6-17 years and in good health they may be eligible to participate,” the group tweeted earlier this month.
The study seeks to assess the safety and effectiveness of the Oxford/AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine (also known as ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 ), and enroll 300 children to participate. Up to 240 kids will be injected with the experimental COVID-19 vaccination while the rest will receive as a control group, a licensed vaccine for Meningitis B (MenB, Bexsero).
British mental health ethicist and academic, Niall McCrae condemned the encouragement of parents to enter their children in a COVID-19 vaccine trial as “very wrong."
“Children should not be lab rats for the benefit of Big Pharma and the Great Reset. I would go as far as saying this is tantamount to child abuse,” Dr. McCrae warned.
“Vaccinating children against coronaviruses is unjustifiable, given the minimal risk of infection and transmission,” The King’s College lecturer continued. “I sat on a National Health Service (NHS) ethics committee for 11 years, and I'm very worried about the apparent disregard for established scientific and ethical standards to serve the COVID regime.”
Established scientific and ethical standards with regards to experimentation on humans, can be found in the Nuremburg Code of 1947, which came about as a result of the post-World War II trials.
The Nuremberg Code’s first principle provides the strict conditions for establishing voluntary consent, including that the subject “should have legal capacity to give consent,” along with “sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved.” In addition, such consent “may not be delegated to another with impunity.”
Thus, McCrae urged parents to understand “that they will be held responsible, not only the pharma company, for any serious harm caused by this experiment” on their child.
The sixth principle of the Code affirms that the “The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.”
Given that the threat of a COVID-19 infection remains essentially “irrelevant” to school-aged children due to their 99.997% survival rate, McCrae notes that subjecting them to any dangers from an experimental vaccine remains “unjustifiable.”
Other moral concerns derive from the fact that the development of the AstraZeneca experimental vaccine used the HEK-293 cell line made from fetal cells harvested from the kidney tissue of a baby girl who was aborted in the Netherlands in 1972.
As confirmed by the Vatican’s recent “Note on the morality of using some anti-Covid-19 vaccines,” at the very least, to consider the use of such a morally tainted vaccine, there must first be a “grave danger” which no one has alleged is the case for children.