Faithful Priest Slams Lockdown Bishops
Faithful Priest Slams Lockdown Bishops
Follow @KnightsTempOrgThe fighting, faithful priest who warned America that "you cannot be Catholic and Democrat" has turned his righteous anger on the faithless bishops who failed to resist the closure of churches during lockdown.
“They lost the opportunity, they dropped the ball, they abandoned the sheep,” says Father James Altman. “It’s like a blinking pink neon sign,” repeatedly flashing the message that the Church is “non-essential, non-essential, non-essential.”
“Why should people believe in the real-presence [of Christ in the Eucharist] when the shepherds of the Church in this country and around the world have said it doesn’t matter if you receive or not?”
Speaking in a video interview with renowned Pro-Life body Lifesite News, Altman slams the bishops for their abject failure:
“Back when this whole thing started, the bishops of the Church lost a great opportunity to finally stand up and be relevant again,” noted Father James Altman. The U.S. bishops could’ve “shown an abundance of courage, instead of an abundance of cowardice.”
Altman, a priest of the Diocese of La Crosse, Wisconsin, has no doubt where this terrible lack of commitment comes from:
“There’s an absolute lack of faith. This is the bad fruit that has come from the bad trees over the last thirty years, really since Vatican II when they destroyed our churches, when they eviscerated our sacred liturgy, [and when] they made it a turning toward man instead of toward God.”
The righteous rebel priest is being targeted by local and national media for cautioning parishioners that the COVID-19 injection technically “is NOT a vaccine,” but rather “an experimental use of a genetic altering substance that modifies your body — your Temple of the Holy Spirit.”
He is also being criticized for what some detractors deem to be his disregard for COVID-19 gathering and masking restrictions during parish Masses, while also frequently administering the Sacrament of Holy Communion on the tongue, not the hand.
Associated Press (AP), Newsweek, and others picked up on the story after a local paper, La Crosse Tribune, accused Fr. Altman of “flouting COVID protocols” and sharing “vaccine misinformation.”
Altman explained that his simple goal is to lead his parishioners to remain faithful in the face of what’s going on in the world, noting that in countries like Ireland and Canada, those resisting mandates while striving to live their faith are being arrested.
“It’s coming here if we don’t stand up to it,” said Altman. “Shepherds of the Church, bishops of the Church: You better get united, you better start standing up for the faithful. That’s your job.”
In his Palm Sunday homily, Fr. Altman had criticized the “godless vermin” who have “fed us fear and instituted godless, Nazi-esque controls on all of us and on those we love.”
“Let us be clear, God damns every single one of those godless moves, whether it be in civil governments, or worse, in the complicity of many in the Church,” he declared.
“In fact, if hell itself has many levels … as Dante was inspired to write, the lowest, hottest levels are the final burning place for those shepherds who were complicit in the godless restrictions,” said Fr. Altman.
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