Finland Edges Towards Bible Ban
Finland Edges Towards Bible Ban
Follow @KnightsTempOrgIt's a shocking headline, and some may think we're exaggerating, but we really are not.
Päivi Räsänen is a Finnish congresswoman, who is facing jail for posting a Bible verse on her personal Twitter account. We have covered her story before, and encouraged readers to sign the CitizenGO petition in her support.
More than 200.000 people who signed the petition, and Päivi has just thanked the CitizenGO team and everyone who signed. It has now been delivered to the prosecutor in charge of Päivi’s case.
The latest news is Päivi is due to stand trial in January. The Attorney General has charged her with spreading hatred against minorities, for which she faces a 2-year prison sentence. Yet the only thing Päivi did was to share a biblical quote on Twitter (Rom 1:24-27).
This is the reason for our headline. The case of Päivi Räsänen is unprecedented. If this brave lady is convicted, the printing and sale of Bibles would have to be de facto banned in Finland, the right of churches to speak publicly about the truth of human sexuality would be suppressed, and Christians would not be able to hold public office if they expressed their views on family and marriage, because in every case they would be committing criminal offenses.
Finland would only be the beginning of this modern-day persecution. As Soros-funded NGOs shared knowledge of the technique and campaigned for similar action in other countries, LGBT activists would start suing Christians in the United Kingdom, Ireland and practically anywhere in the Western world. Indeed, we are beginning to see similar prosecutions in Scotland and the hounding of pro-life Christians at UK universities.