WEF: Great Reset video admits to public backlash

WEF: Great Reset video admits to public backlash

The World Economic Forum (WEF) rehashed its talking points for the Great Reset in a promo video released during its 2021 Summit, admitting that people think they are “masking some nefarious plan for world domination,” before proceeding to treat you, the listener, like a 6-year-old, by spouting clear lies and contradictions.

The overwhelmingly negative response to the video only drives home their admission that the Great Reset, which is touted as a positive, if radical, economic and social transformation of our societies, is deeply unpopular. And the level of backlash to this video alone demonstrates why they cannot ignore the uproar.

The veneer of bright color, the upbeat pace, and the punchy presentation that try so hard to get you excited are the lipstick on the pig that is the Great Reset. The WEF cannot -- or perhaps simply chooses not to - hide their glaring attempt to hijack your country and way of life.

The video attempts to innocently sweep away the concerns about the Great Reset: “But all we really want to say is that we all have an opportunity to build a better world. And it’s not surprising that people who have been disenfranchised by a broken system and pushed even further by the pandemic will suspect global leaders of conspiracy.”

In their arrogance, or haste, or both, the Davos elites don’t bother presenting you, a mere serf, with a substantive or coherent explanation of their desired global revolution. Indeed, the video is full of such obvious contradictions and non-sequiturs, you get the keen sense that its creators see you as a child.

The video begins by repeating its year-long refrain that the pandemic is an “opportunity” to “reshape our world” in ways that Davos has in fact been working at for years. 

“With everything falling apart, we can reshape the world in ways we couldn’t before. Ways that better address so many of the challenges we face. And that’s why so many are calling for a great reset.”

The narrator then hurries to the defense in the knowledge that the Great Reset has drawn fierce opposition to its calls for global socialism, and essentially the end of national sovereignty. 

“A Great reset? That sounds more like buzzword bingo masking some nefarious plan for world domination. This kind of slogan hasn’t gone that well.”

At this juncture, the video shows a picture of a hand holding the globe by puppet strings -- an allusion to the common perception of the elites as puppeteers of the planet. 

It then displays -- but not long enough to read it unless you pause the video -- excerpts from an article criticizing the Great Reset, as if to inoculate itself against its piercingly accurate accusations. 

The article explains that the Great Reset is “essentially global socialism,” and even references Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano’s open letter to former President Trump, warning that the Great Reset is "inhuman faceless tyranny" that seeks to "subdue all of humanity.”

The video narrator then continues, “But the world’s not thatsimple. Every one of us has differing priorities, values, and ideas.”

Indeed, to some extent this is true, even for the players involved in the Great Reset. It’s important to recognize that they are not a monolithic body of psychopaths. While perhaps many of the key drivers are indeed ruthless, power-hungry individuals completely indifferent to human suffering, they do overlap, inevitably, with “true believers” in the power of the Great Reset to serve the greater good of humanity, who have varying degrees of rationalization of, and even awareness of the Great Reset’s collateral damage. 

But the fact remains that the Great Reset must push aside some values in order to make way for the values that the WEF oligarchy prioritizes, such as economic “equality” and “sustainability.” And so, their next claim, that our differing priorities are “why we all need to be involved in the decision making,” is disingenuous.

The people they have chosen to portray on the following slide illustrates this. “Because whether it’s politicians, CEOs, academics, activists, or you -- we’re all about getting people together,” the narrator continues. 

The video displays at this point a medley of WEF participants and darlings, either themselves elites themselves or closely allied with them, including Joe Biden, Ivanka Trump, Al Gore, Vladimir Putin, Angela Merkel, George W. Bush, Greta Thunberg, and music stars like Bono and Pharrell.

Smack in the middle is what appears to be the embodiment of the elites’ “dream child,” meant to represent the “common man”: a young androgynous looking woman, only identifiable as such by her visible bra, head shaved except for a top patch of hair and with a one-eye symbol emblazoned on her chest.

The video continues to gaslight the listener: It laments the fact that billionaires have disproportionately profited from the pandemic while the poor have become poorer, but ignores the fact that these same people calling for a reset are working with the billionaires who are profiting from the pandemic, calling into question both the reset and the pandemic.

Take, for example, Bill Gates, whose wealth “has jumped 20% to $118 billion since March,” who has frequented WEF Summits for years, and is joining the Davos Summit this year as well. 

He has enormous influence over the WHO, since his Foundation is the WHO’s second largest funder after the United States, which in turn steers national health policies worldwide. Gates, who also has poured billions of dollars into vaccine development and access for over a decade, told Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace, “It is fair to say things won’t go back to truly normal until we have a vaccine that we’ve gotten out to basically the entire world.”

In fact, it was the Gates Foundation that launched Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, with $750 million in seed money in 1999, and has committed a total of $4 billion to Gavi to date. The Gates Foundation also has a permanent seat on the Gavi board, and the current CEO of Gavi, Seth Berkley, is one of the participants in the Davos Agenda.

Gates also has his tentacles in the Davos Agenda viaThe Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, which receives “substantial” funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (its executive director, Peter Sands, is participating). In fact, according to CNBC, it is one of the groups that most heavily invested in by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Also concerning is the illogical leap that the WEF makes in the video to use the pandemic as an excuse for an economic revolution.

“See, at the start of 2020, 1% of the world’s population owned 44% of the wealth. But since the start of the pandemic, billionaires have increased theirs by more than 25%, whilst a 150 million people fell back into extreme poverty. And, with climate change set to dwarf the damage caused by the pandemic, the message from 2020 should be abundantly clear: 

“Capitalism as we know it is dead. This obsession that we have had with maximizing profits for shareholders alone has led to incredible inequality and a planetary emergency.” 

That statement was given by Marc Benioff, who is currently worth $8.9 billion, on January 21st, 2020, the same day that the U.S. had announced its first confirmed covid-19 case. 

If capitalism appears to be dragging or “dead” after 2020, it is because it has had its legs cut out from underneath it through burdensome coronavirus regulations or the unnecessary closing of businesses. Any results of “obsession” with maximizing profit are connected with the billionaires who are themselves supportive of the Great Reset. To suggest otherwise is what one video commenter described as “monumental” gaslighting.

In fact, a restructuring of economies worldwide has been on the Davos Agenda for decades now, and it is part of their vision for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. 

In the WEF’s 2016 video on the Fourth Industrial Revolution, economist Steward Wallis called for “a new [economic] system that will allow us to meet the basic needs of humans on the planet, that will live within planetary means, that will be fairer, and that will be focused as its key goal, not on growth per se, but on maximizing human wellbeing.” 

What Wallis described in 2016 is what the WEF calls “stakeholder capitalism,” which it has proposed as an alternative to traditional (shareholder) capitalism. The recently released video on the Great Reset likewise explains that stakeholder capitalism means “putting well being before growth,” as if business growth interfered with society’s well being.

The WEF believes that in order to prioritize environmental and “social” considerations, a business must give up some economic growth, at least in the short-term. It explains on its website that a stakeholder-driven model is focused on environmental and social risks and opportunities, whereas a shareholder-primacy model is focused on financial and operational costs and benefits.

What exactly are these financial and social considerations that businesses must prioritize? The WEF has released metrics by which businesses can report their “performance against environmental, social and governance (ESG) indicators” that correspond to the pillars of “people, planet, prosperity, and institutions,”as well as “track their contributions” towards the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

Included in these metrics are a company’s ethnic and gender diversity; greenhouse gas emissions (GHG); water withdrawal in water-stressed areas; and the disclosure of whether GHG targets have been set “that are in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.”

Vivek Ramaswamy, in his aforementioned article for the WSJ, points out that Klaus Schwab, in his book on “Stakeholder Capitalism,” “ignores that, to solve the world’s problems, executives must first decide which problems to solve. That isn’t a technocratic judgment; it’s a moral one.”

The elites are nothing if not cunning. As the pandemic suffocates small and mid-sized businesses, mega-corporations that have long been beholden to the elite agenda further strengthen their hold over our economies. The majority of these companies will likely welcome these metrics with open arms. 

The WEF wants us to know that the Great Reset is urgent, but it doesn’t quite explain why. 

“We have a window of time which is closing. And we need everybody who cares to get together and find solutions now,” Jane Goodall says near the end of the video.

The video closes with, “If you want to get involved, “Tune in, turn on, and get involved,” which echoes the saying of 1960’s counterculture leader and LSD enthusiast Timothy Leary: "Turn on, tune in, drop out." 

To allude to Leary might seem strange at first glance, since Leary was known for his promotion of and personal use of psychedelic drugs, as well as for being frequently arrested. He was described by Richard Nixon as “The most dangerous man in America,” and has also been described as “The Pied Piper of the Psychedelic Sixties.”

But Leary was, like the WEF, enraptured with transhumanism, the attempt to fuse human beings with technology in order to create a superhuman being. In fact, Leary invented an acronym ("SMI²LE") to summarize his pre-transhumanist agenda: SM (Space Migration) + I² (intelligence increase) + LE (Life extension).” 

Transhumanism is in a way, the guiding star of the Davos elites. The aforementioned 2016 WEF video, “What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution?” reveals this central part of their vision. 

“The very idea of ‘human’ being some sort of natural concept is really gonna change,” a woman explains near the beginning of the video. Our bodies will be so high tech we won’t be able to really distinguish between what’s natural and what’s artificial.” 



