History of the Knights Templar - Part 3: Templar Cavalry in the Field [Video]

History of the Knights Templar - Part 3: Templar Cavalry in the Field [Video]

In this, the third video in the series on the history of the Knights Templar, the astounding military capability of the Knights Templar is explored, featuring examples from the Battle of Montgisard and the Fifth Crusade.

The Battle of Montgisard was fought between the Ayyubids and the Kingdom of Jerusalem on 25 November 1177 at Mons Gisard, in the Levant between Ramla and Yibna. The 16-year-old King Baldwin IV, seriously afflicted by leprosy, led an outnumbered Christian force against the army of Saladin. The result? A resounding Crusader victory.



