Is Corporate Agriculture Poisoning Our Planet?

The worship of Mammon is killing God’s creation! And that includes us! Eating organic may reduce risk of cancer, study has found.
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and breast cancer rates were lower among those who more frequently eschewed conventional food, according to researchers from the Centre of Research in Epidemiology and Statistics in Paris who examined data from nearly 70,000 French adults.
The reduced risk may be because those who eat organic are not exposed to the chemical pesticides and medicines which are generally used to treat regular fruit, veg, meat and fish, they suggested.
Really, it’s no surprise that chemicals designed to kill, err, do just that! The strange thing is that researchers are so awed by the power of the giant chemical companies that they write such studies up in terms of “organic food lessens your risk of dying from cancer” instead of “Monsanto chemicals in your food give you cancer”.
Last year, a catastrophic collapse in the number of flying insects- including the bees that are crucial to our food production, been confirmed in a major study by researchers at Radboud University in The Netherlands. The results indicate that the European insect population has fallen by three-quarters in less than 30 years.
They account for two-thirds of life on earth, and a plentiful and active bug population is indicative of a healthy planet, so rapidly diminishing numbers are ominous. One scientist, Professor Dave Goulson, at Sussex University, is warning the world is ‘on course for ecological armageddon’.