Is THIS the Most Mystical Templar Site in All Spain?

Is THIS the Most Mystical Templar Site in All Spain?

The hermitage of San Bartolomé, a 12th-century chapel in the Rio dos Lobos Canyon in north-central Spain, is a masterpiece of Templar symbolism.

Situated equidistantly from the Iberian Peninsula’s easternmost and westernmost points in a remote corner of the Rio del Lobos Canyon, the site has long held significance to local inhabitants and was carefully chosen by the Knights Templars for its spiritual properties. In a nearby limestone cave, Ancient Romans celebrated Mundus Patet (the “festival of the dead”) and prayed to the Cult of the Mother Goddess. Legend has it that in the 1st Century AD, this was also where Bartholomew the Apostle (San Bartolomé) dropped his sword from atop a nearby mountain, declaring wherever the weapon fell to be his home.

Some investigators claim that the evocative chapel was built by the Templars in a very specific spot. By connecting the main Templar strongholds in the Iberian Peninsula, you can draw a cross on the map with the San Bartolomé hermitage right in the centre, at the very heart of an area with an ancient mystical history. But could the symbolism inside the chapel also link the location to the mythical Ark of the Covenant?



