Lauren Southern Dishes the Dirt

Lauren Southern Dishes the Dirt

Already watched by nearly half a million people, Lauren Southern's long but very effective expose of the 'Alt-Right' backs up elements of our own warning - put out more than five years ago - about the 'movement' and many of its personalities.

Australia's leading nationalist podcast has published this very interesting review of her video, and commentary on the lie-filled counter-attack put out in Britain and targeting our good Christian nationalist friend Jayda Fransen.

This may not be of interest to many people, since it's all rather intrinsic and insular, and we do not necessary agree with the organisation responsible or even with all their analysis, but those with an interest in aspects of this subject will want to read it, so here it is:

We’re not big fans of Lauren Southern. She is not a nationalist. But that doesn’t mean we bear her ill will. Southern is what she is. We certainly cannot condone her making a name off the back of statements like “It’s OK to be White,” and then marrying and having a kid by a half-Asian interloper in Australia.

One thing that she can’t be called is a liar. And if you watch her defiant new video, “The Whole Truth," you get a sense that she does possess that rarest of qualities: integrity.

Remember, again, she’s not a nationalist. None of those from that distant civic patriot movement that burned like a roman candle for about 15 seconds and then petered out in a swirl of dirty recriminations ever was.

Southern was just a kid when she became enamoured with the pleasing rhetoric of Jewish huckster, Ezra Levant. Southern was swept up by the conservative backlash that began during that period of the ongoing culture wars and Levant drew her in.

For those that don’t know, Ezra Levant is the founder of Rebel News. RN was one of those new-wave conservative alternative media groups that flourished during the days of the anti-Islam movement and persist today. Likewise, it’s one of that group of big conservative media outlets owned and created by Jews, which trespasses with their content and rhetoric onto nationalist turf yet are anything but.

There is a host of them: the Daily Wire, Breitbart, and The Blaze among others. If you wish to be devout, you avoid them altogether. However, if you’re open to content you know is geared towards conservatives but shares an implicit message, then it will do you no harm; especially if your nationalist convictions are unshakeable. As with Southern, they are what they are. Matt Walsh is with The Daily Wire, and his documentary on the trans religion What is a Woman is excellent.

Southern’s video is notable because she lifts the lid off those erstwhile impresarios of “the movement.” All the names we nationalists reviled from day one. Tommy Robinson, the ex-English Defence League leader; Milo Yiannopolous, the part-Jewish homosexual degenerate married to a black man. And then there is, to a lesser extent, Paul Joseph Watson. Watson comes across as a sex-starved grifter.


Southern’s revelations are shocking. Maybe not to us, but we could read those hucksters from miles away. Or even ten thousand miles away. We didn’t even need to have the misfortune that Southern did by meeting them. Their message was not in sync with ours, and their roots were Zionist.

Southern met Ezra Levant at a conservative conference in Toronto. She described herself as being a gushing fan-girl in his presence. When she asked Levant to sign her copy of his book, no doubt, he was knocked out by the blonde-haired, juicy young shiksa. She describes how he sat next to her chatting intimately for half an hour during the conference luncheon.

When Southern became a YouTuber she was an instant sensation. Ezra Levant had left the ill-fated Sun News Network along with Brian Lilley. The two founded the internet-based Rebel News.

In 2015, Levant asked Southern to contribute to Rebel News. She produced a video titled, “Why I Am Not A Feminist.” It garnered millions of hits and eventually secured her a position with RN. Suddenly, this ordinary working-class girl was propelled into an internet celebrity. Southern went on to make successful documentaries exposing the plight of South African farmers, and the engineered European migrant crisis.

Her stock in trade was to hit the streets during left-wing demonstrations to expose the hypocrisy of protesters through interviews and acts of provocation. It took some nerve, and we’ll grant her that. However, Southern became conflated with the “White Nationalist” movement as a matter of course. Yet, she wasn’t; she was viewing the broad issues affecting whites with the populist eyes that typified many of the loud upstarts who were whisked into prominence on the back of social media during that time.

And that’s about as much of a biographical sketch as we’ll indulge her in. We’ll now get down to the substance of her allegations, which are backed up convincingly in her video with grabs of phone texts, videos, and voice recordings.


It’s little wonder that the “dangerous faggot” Milo Yiannopoulos (the “smooth criminal”) is exposed as being a shameless narcissist and chiseller. According to Southern, Yiannopoulos set up a bogus not-for-profit organisation allegedly to raise money to send poor White kids to university. It was dubbed “the White Privilege grant.” It was a high-profile stunt. Hundreds of thousands of dollars were sourced from crowdfunding but never made it to any poor White kids. Instead, the loot went straight into Milo’s greedy coffers; to pay for his degenerate lifestyle. When it came time to account for all that money, Yiannopoulos accused the company’s director—a loyal member of his team—of mishandling the funds and sacked her. It turns out she never had any access to the money anyway. Many attacks on her character followed, and this becomes a regular theme in this milieu.

Southern briefly dated Yiannopolous’s ghostwriter, Allum Bokhari. She recounts how Yainnopolous phoned her one day. He was “frantic” and begged her to reveal any dirt she had on Bokhari. Yiannopoulos was seeking “blackmail” on his former assistant. As it happens, Bokhari wrote everything for Yiannopoulos, from the talking points for shows he appeared on, to his Breitbart columns, etc. But he was also the ghostwriter of his book, Dangerous.


Milo was such a colossal scammer that he was trying to stiff Bokhari on the royalties of that book. The money was no doubt spent on cocaine and champagne for the conservative queen (sic). When Bokhari asked for his money, Milo decided to blackmail him rather than cough up the readies. Needless to say, Bokhari wasn’t about to take it lying down (unlike Milo’s black “husband”). Yiannoplous was less concerned with his legal position than with his public image and credibility in the eyes of the “movement.” Among the slanders he heaped on Bokhari was that he “betrayed” Yiannopoulos to the leftists. He accused him of being a rat, and trying to break up the “movement.” It’s funny how often that card is played throughout Southern’s reminisces about these far-right figures. One of those who also employed this strategy with a significant injury to the innocent is Tommy Robinson.

Tommy Robinson (real name: Stephen Christopher Laxley-Lennon) is, by all accounts, a dirtbag. Bereft of honour, he burns through his associates like they’re all just one big rubber. Robinson, like Yiannopolous, has other motivations rather than the “issues” that lure in his followers. The issues are the bait to attract followers, while the followers lift the hero to an exalted position that they then cash in on. This appears to be what matters most to these showmen.

It is little wonder that Robinson rushed out his hastily-cobbled-together documentary this week. He had to get in quickly to counter both Southern’s accusations and allegations that will be publicised in a book about Robinson soon to be released by Hope Not Hate creep Nick Lowles.

Robinson’s video lays accusations of treason against “the movement” against his former crew members, as well as attacking British nationalists Jayda Fransen and Jim Dowson.

The last two belong to the British Freedom Party and the Knights Templar International respectively. Both appear on Purged TV. Fransen was formerly the second-in-charge of Britain First after Paul Golding. During that time, Fransen was in a relationship with Golding.


In 2018, Fransen was sentenced to 36 months in prison on three counts of “religiously aggravated harassment.” Golding was convicted on only one charge and copped an 18-month sentence.

Fransen became persona non-grata in “the movement” upon her release from prison. She immediately quit Britain First. Similarly, she had a spectacular breakup with her former party leader and ex-partner Golding.

In his video, Robinson attempts to smear Fransen by insinuating that she received financial remuneration from Hope Not Hate after appearing in a BBC Spotlight special along with Jim Dowson. Rumours were disseminated regarding her exodus from Britain First.

What’s not in dispute is that Golding frequently engaged in domestic abuse against Fransen. Likewise, Fransen claims that upon her release from prison, her credit cards were drained. The party owed her a sizeable amount of money that she borrowed to loan them. The Belfast High Court agreed and awarded Fransen £75,000 in damages. The court ordered further damages to be paid on top of that.

Fransen addressed the Robinson claims on Purged TV and says that the sum she’s owed is much higher than the figure she was awarded. Likewise, she rubbished Robinson’s claims.

Robinson selectively edited the segment on Fransen and a voice recording from a third party, Johhny Adair, to deceive viewers. A message from Adair alleges he offered to donate money to Fransen, but Jim Dowson assured her that she was looked after. A figure of £20,000 was mentioned. Robinson inferred this must’ve been Fransen’s reward for airing her grievances against Britain First on the BBC program. Earlier, he had drawn an arc between Hope Not Hate and the BBC, who he alleges launder the payments through the shady NGO. That claim might be true, but Dowson and supporters of the Knights Templar collected donations on Fransen’s behalf. Nick Griffin confirmed this to NAB.

“He is, of course, talking nonsense, probably to shore up the position of Paul Golding, who he’s quite close to,” Griffin added.


Robinson and Golding are birds of a feather, judging by all appearances. Southern released video footage and messages to expose Robinson for pulling a similar stunt on a dedicated worker named Lucy Brown.

Brown became a “traitor” when she was selected to take the heat for Robinson over the decision to include a radical Islamicist on the list of speakers for a pro-freedom event. Another guest was a transvestite who performed a drag sequence. The concept was that all those gagged got to share in the collective “freedom of speech” that the rally promised.

However, it soon became clear that Robinson’s supporters would not tolerate the firebrand Muslim speaking at their event. Robinson had published on his social media that the Jihadi would be appearing. But then he quickly changed his mind and claimed it wasn’t true. The Muslim extremist was beaten up when he arrived to accept the invitation.  

Rather than take the responsibility for inviting the radical Muslim, Robinson blamed Brown. He claimed she’d disobeyed orders and not removed the offending item from Robinson’s social media when told to do so. Chagrined, she fired back at him for being a liar. Robinson thereby excommunicated the poor girl, who had turned her back on a lucrative career to serve Robinson because she believed in what he was doing.

Brown was suddenly the biggest villain alive in the eyes of Robinson’s supporters. She was accused of trying to “bring down the movement” and working with the far-left. She received (and continues to receive) ongoing threats and abuse. Her life was destroyed and she found herself moving back home, applying for the dole, and seeking therapy after contemplating suicide. At this point, Southern admits, she did turn to the left. Or rather, they turned to her promising that they had her interests at heart. But they used Brown for her political currency before tossing her away.


These are far from the only outrages committed in the “movement” by these voracious egotists. The megalomania of those “saints” of the movement, as Southern describes them, knows no bounds.

Yiannopoulos eventually made good on a threat to besmirch Southern’s reputation after she refused to validate false accusations of theft and disloyalty against two individuals who feature prominently in both Robinson’s accusations and Milo’s.

Caolan Robertson and George Llewelyn-John worked as video producers for Tommy Robinson, Milo Yiannopoulos and Lauren Southern. Both are homosexuals and were in a relationship. Or rather, George was formerly a “transgender woman” who identifies as a male. We’re not sure whether this is technically gay then, but whatever. This would never occur in the world of nationalists, but in the milieu of a supposed “traditionalist” like Southern claims to be, it’s all permissible. Robinson walked away from the British National Party (BNP) because it wouldn’t allow coloured people as members. Their world is that of “diversity minus Islam,” which gives the reader an inkling of why there’ll never be any resolution to the culture wars by the self-described conservatives. But we digress…

Southern claims that Robinson’s biggest issue with Caolan and George is that they spread their talents elsewhere. He considered them his personal property and relied on them to produce his high-quality videos. She suggests that a large reason for Robinson’s decline in popularity has less to do with censorship and more about him burning his best human assets. In a nutshell, these people made him look good.

Similarly, Milo Yiannopoulos was furious that they had teamed up with Alex Jones to make a film. But it was more because he wasn’t in it. Southern recounts how early on Yiannopoulos offered a few admonitions about dealing with success in their world. One of those was to never appear with Alex Jones. Ironic then that his knickers were in a twist because he'd been left out.

Yiannopoulos contacted Lauren Southern demanding that she ally with him in smearing the pair. She recalls him threatening, “I have all of this gossip from ugly women who hate you and I’d hate to have to publish it because you didn’t give me any blackmail on Caolan and George.”

Robinson in his video has tied the pair in with Hope Not Hate, no doubt in an attempt to invalidate any information they may have shared after burning their bridges with him.

In 2019, Yiannopoulos (or a ghostwriter) penned a bête noire offensive titled, “Say Goodbye To The Klepto Queens Of The Far-Right.” He accused the pair of everything under the sun: stealing, misappropriating funds, backstabbing, treason—essentially everything that Yiannopoulos was guilty of himself. It's a rich and entertaining diatribe, and if there are morsels of truth scattered like sand grains within the bitchiness of the text, they’re impossible to know.


Because Lauren Southern hadn’t aided and abetted his defamation, she came in for a serving. Milo (or his ghostwriter) reduced her to a dizzy slut with no morals and a sadistic streak. He accused her of sleeping with Allum Bokhari so that he’d write her stuff. Here Lauren makes a valid point that since her videos were mainly impromptu interviews, it seems an unlikely charge. But then so many people believed it. The question is, why? Yiannopoulos marketed himself as a troll. At what point does a troll acquire the privilege of absolute believability? Perhaps Southern hit the nail on the head when she said, “We don’t look into things if the saints of our movements say them.” Their word is “God.” This all sounds like a cult, or else one immense entourage.

Southern had many more sordid tales from the movement. The organisers of her Australian tour spent all the money and couldn’t afford to pay either her or Stefan Molyneux. It is hard not to sympathise with her after being ripped off so blatantly. However, it was the revelation that ASIO had threatened to place her on an international list of terrorists, preventing her from entering Australia to visit her husband’s family that was truly eye-opening. The price of a visa was that she steps back from her political work, and removes herself from the public eye. This she did. For a while, anyway.

It only fuelled the speculation generated by Milo’s article with its accusations of her consorting with Hope Not Hate. And after she posted a video in which she announced she was quitting the movement. Milo’s slanders became easier to believe. Yet, if her account is truthful, then he would’ve known she was gagged from responding thanks to ASIO’s blackmailing.


Australia has its equivalents to all those above. It has the “saints” and “grifters”, and the equivalent to Hope Not Hate. As with the BBC, our Hope Not Hate-type state agents work with both the media and the state to bring about discord and fragmentation. We have our villainous impresarios like Neil Erikson, who even figured somehow into Southern’s Australian tour when earlier he’d come into possession of information from the promoter and released it online to benefit his social media notoriety.

Entities sprung up overnight and then faded just as suddenly. Followers pinned their hopes on new political heroes who inevitably failed to deliver anything after election time except for propping up the conservatives through the charade of preferencing.

And that’s the thing. It’s like a script. Southern has, according to her account, overcome great disillusionment to return. She is now a contributor to Sky News. She says she hopes to make more documentaries. But it’s unlikely she’ll consider herself a part of a “movement” again.

That “movement” imploded in much the same manner in Australia. Egos collided, and bigmouths promoted lies against both civic patriots and nationalists, who aimed to distance themselves from their quagmire. Those who were “leading” this Australian movement were every bit as untrustworthy with money, as Christopher Shortis found out when he let his munificence get the better of him and funded the United Patriot Front’s political arm, Fortitude, which never got off the ground. What happened to the money? That’s something that, as with Robinson, Yiannopoulos, and Golding, fades from the memories of the supporters who gave.


The anti-Islam movement could never go anywhere because there was no unifying ideology behind it. There was just “diversity minus Islam.” There were scuffles with Antifa, adrenaline pumping at protests, confrontations, intrigue, conspiracies and in the end, nothing. Some made money from it, others had their reputations destroyed. If the system had a recipe for rendering a cultural revolution invalid then it appears to have shared it around the western world. There is just too much similarity in how it all plays out.

The “saints” of the movement become addicted to the dopamine high of their social media celebrity. They can never quite let go and those who’re left obsolete by it have a hard time re-adjusting to being nonentities again.

Southern said, “I believed everyone was as genuine and passionate as I was about wanting to change things; about wanting to save the West.” But how were they planning to change it? All were brought together because they objected to the spread of Islam in the West. But Islam is a religion. Unless you’re prepared to say that it’s not the religion but the race who practise it you’re lost. But to do that you must become resolute about all disparate races. You must solidify your identity and resolve to preserve it. You can’t half-step in between.

There are no exceptions. Either all non-Whites are unacceptable, or they’re all welcome. There is no aperture for a middle position since it’s a matter of absolutes. While the White people in this story flap about spastically like stunned mullets, it’s ironic to consider that the Jews who run the “far-right” business get rich.

Southern claims she was sacked from Rebel News when she refused to partake in a grift in which she and others visited Israel on a “fact-finding mission” for Rebel News. Jewish donors were all lined up and it was essentially a package holiday with financial incentives.

What were the “facts” they were supposed to find? Southern never ventured to ask, yet she was suspicious enough about what she considered misrepresentative reporting that she shot off an email to Ezra Levant expressing her concerns. Then she was looking for a new job. ■




