Women jailed with biological male face extra jail time unless they refer to him as a woman
Women jailed with biological male face extra jail time unless they refer to him as a woman
Follow @KnightsTempOrgMany commentators have noted the insanity of gender ideology; fewer, however, have noted the cruelty of transgender policy in practice. One example of this is the fact that male criminals — many of them violent and dangerous — are increasingly identifying as female in order to get sent to women’s prisons. Vulnerable female inmates are finding themselves locked behind bars with rapists and lady killers.
As a result, desperate female inmates have attempted to call attention to their predicament. One woman says she was raped by a man pretending to be a woman — the rapist was in prison for murder. Prison officials demanded she retract her claim, recorded it as consensual sex, and then penalized the victim for filing a false rape claim. The rapist’s lawyer claimed he was a victim of transphobia.
In another instance, a California convict imprisoned for murdering infants claimed to be transgender and was successfully transferred to the female prison where the very women whose children he had killed were housed. An Illinois inmate alleges she was raped in prison by a man claiming to be a woman. In Canada, in fact, a prisoner who raped, tortured, and murdered a 13-year-old girl decided to identify as a woman and promptly got himself transferred to a female prison.
Despite these horrifying facts, few media outlets outside of conservative outlets have bothered to report on them. The complaints of women locked up with male murderers and rapists are largely ignored. And now, an unbelievably sadistic decision in the United Kingdom is being reported on by The Telegraph: Women who call the transgender convicts who end up in their prisons by male pronouns could actually get extra time in jail.
In other words, a woman raped by a man claiming to be a woman could be kept incarcerated longer if she refuses to call him a her.
These penalties, according to The Telegraph, would likely be determined “by an impartial adjudicator,” according to justice minister Lord Wolfson. Wolfson stated:
Incidents the place a prisoner makes use of incorrect pronouns for an additional prisoner will probably be thought of on a case-by-case foundation, consistent with the Prisoner Discipline Procedures coverage and the Prison Rules. Prisoners might generally make an sincere mistake in relation to pronouns and disciplinary motion wouldn’t often be acceptable in these circumstances. However, if an officer deems it acceptable to put a prisoner on report, the rule in opposition to ‘using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour’ – Prison Rule 51(20) – might apply. The adjudicator will weigh every incident by itself deserves. The policy stipulates that an offence motivated by another person’s protected characteristic(s) under the Equality Act 2010 is an aggravating factor and may merit referral to an Independent Adjudicator.
It bears mentioning that the extension of prison time is the most extreme punishment that can be meted out to inmates. That, says Wolfson, is because: “The Ministry of Justice and Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service are dedicated to advancing equality, eliminating discrimination, harassment and victimisation. As part of this, we ensure that all prisoners are treated fairly and in a way that respects their rights, and encourage them to act in a way that is respectful and considerate of others.”
Of course, the rights of women locked in prison with sexual predators and child-killers do not matter. And if any of them complain about their treatment or dare to point out the obvious about their new cellmates, the authorities will shut them up with accusations of transphobia and extra jailtime.
That’s not just crazy. That is incredibly cruel.