Lockdown Deaths To Outstrip Covid 5 to 1
Lockdown Deaths To Outstrip Covid 5 to 1
Follow @KnightsTempOrgThe UK's 45,000 'Covid' deaths are set to be dwarfed by the number of unnecessary or premature deaths due to the impact of the government's hysterical WHO-enforced lockdown measures. If the figures were corrected to reflect the fact that the covid total includes huge numbers who died WITH covid rather than of it, the 5 to 1 gap shown by the raw figures would be even higher.
More than 200,000 people could die because of delays in healthcare and other economic and social effects all caused by lockdown, a government report has warned.
The great majority of the deaths – 185,000 – are attributed to an extended wait for treatment in the longer term.
But up to 25,000 deaths would have come in the first six months because of healthcare delays, according to experts at the Department of Health and Social Care, Office for National Statistics, Government Actuary's Department and the Home Office.
The figures equate to nearly one million years of life lost unnecessarily, in the worst-case scenario outlined in the report.
With lockdown measures in place and hospital priorities shifted, patients have likely missed out on life-saving care for heart attacks and strokes and early diagnoses of diabetes and kidney disease.
The University of Oxford discovered just last week that 5,000 fewer heart attack patients had attended hospital between March and May.
The report – published in April but largely overlooked until now – has added credence to the view that patients with serious illnesses unrelated to coronavirus have been neglected during the pandemic.
The report said: 'Suspending "non-urgent" care is expected to have a short-term health impact in itself, since patients not receiving treatment will have reduced quality of life whilst not receiving these healthcare services.
'In the longer term their condition is likely to deteriorate without treatment and some could die earlier than otherwise.
'Cutting screening, prevention services and primary care services will mean that life-threatening diseases will go undetected and hence untreated, resulting in more avoidable deaths.'
It added that the longer services are de-prioritised, the bigger the impact will be. The same goes for suicide figures, which are set to record a huge increase as the mental health impact of the lockdown and ensuing economic and social decline kick in over the months and years ahead.