Masks and burqas are both dehumanizing and freedom-crushing
Masks and burqas are both dehumanizing and freedom-crushing
Follow @KnightsTempOrgA 2001 State Department report on life under the Taliban in Afghanistan describes a frightful, miserable society:
"In urban areas, the Taliban brutally enforced a dress code that required women to be covered under a burqa — a voluminous, tent-like full-body outer garment that covers them from head to toe.
"One Anglo-Afghan journalist reported that the burqa’s veil is so thick that the wearer finds it difficult to breathe; the small mesh panel permitted for seeing allows such limited vision that even crossing the street safely is difficult. ...
"[T]he Taliban enforced the wearing of the burqa with threats, fines, and on-the-spot beatings. Even the accidental showing of the feet or ankles was severely punished. No exceptions were allowed. One woman who became violently carsick was not permitted to take off the garment.
"When paying for food in the market, a woman’s hand could not show when handing over money or receiving the purchase. Even girls as young as eight or nine years old were expected to wear the burqa."
Will there someday be a similar report on life under the coronavirus tyranny in 2020 America?
"In urban areas, the government brutally enforced a dress code that required everyone’s face to be covered under a mask — a paper or cloth outer face garment that covers their nose and mouth, and sometimes their neck. One journalist reported that the mask’s veil is so thick that the wearer finds it difficult to breathe. ...
"The government enforced the wearing of the mask with threats, fines, and on-the-spot beatings. Even the accidental showing of the face was severely punished. No exceptions were allowed. One woman who became violently carsick was not permitted to take off the mask. When paying for alcohol at the store, a person’s face could not show when asked for photo identification. Even kids as young as two or three years old were expected to wear the mask."
The Taliban mandated burqas to enforce a deeply perverted sense of “modesty” that ultimately dehumanized women and increased the power of the rule-makers (the murderous Taliban). Now governments in many parts of the world are forcing face masks upon women and men as part of a deeply perverted sense of “health” and “safety.”
Compare a woman at the market in Kabul, dressed head to toe in “a voluminous, tent-like full-body outer garment,” to a woman at an American grocery store, wearing very little but obediently hiding her face behind a hideous blue surgical mask. Yes, the burqa-clad woman faced much harsher penalties for noncompliance than the Walmart mask-wearer does. No one argues that being kicked out of a store, fined, or publicly humiliated is as bad as being literally beheaded or stoned to death. But both women are dehumanized by the mandated garment that hides the most distinct, unique, human thing about them — their faces.
And is either of these women free? In order to participate in society in whatever limited way is allowed (the Taliban banned sports, kites, singing, anything fun or joyful; Western governments have banned religious gatherings, singing, parties, sports, and “non-essential” shopping, to name a few), both are forced to wear a monstrous sign of submission to a nonsensical regime that shows dissenters absolutely no mercy.
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