McDonalds Drop Beyond Meat

McDonalds Drop Beyond Meat

Bill Gates has hit a brick wall in his drive to push fake meat products on Americans. McDonalds, KFC, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut are just the biggest names in a slew of fast food companies which started offering artificial meat in a flurry of publicity - only to find that this ultimate junk 'food' simply doesn't sell.

So now they've all dropped the Gates muck.

A trial of the “plant-based” patties at some McDonald’s restaurants failed miserably. Nobody ordered the so-called McPlant burger, which is apparently even more disgusting than the fast-food chain’s regular burgers.

McDonald’s signed a three-year global distribution deal with Beyond Meat back in 2021. But the deal was cut short because customers simply do not want to eat synthetic meat made from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and other toxic chemicals.

According to Ken Goldman, an analyst at JPMorgan Chase & Co., “the product did not sell well enough” to keep it going. The financial news site The Fly joked that Beyond Meat is “McDone” as far as McDonald’s is concerned.

Beyond Meat has had to massively scale back its workforce as nobody wants the company’s products. Some 40 jobs have been cut from the company, which is slated to burn through all of its remaining cash in the coming months.

so far this year, Beyond Meat’s stock price has fallen by about 50 percent – and this was after it fell by roughly the same amount in 2021.

“Beyond Meat has failed to generate any positive free cash flow since going public in 2019,” says David Trainer of the investment research firm New Constructs.

Looks like Bill Gates will have to produce some even bigger 'crisis' if he's going to force punters to eat fake meat. As for bugs and bacteria, we'd have to be starving before they're even remotely saleable. "Watch this space".



