New Crusader On The Way
New Crusader On The Way
Follow @KnightsTempOrg"We need another issue of the Crusader," our old hands have been telling us. "It's not just a good read, it's also a great, really affordable recruiting tool."
So we've written and laid out a brand new issue of our very own 16 page Templar magazine. All we need now is the money to send it to the printer!
As you know, we're ploughing resources into the Priory House renovation, so everything has to pay its own way. Three generous Sir Knights have already chipped in $100 each, and we've got a great deal lined up with a good Christian printer, so if YOU could chip in a smaller amount - perhaps $20 or $30 - it would be a real help.
The new Crusader contains great articles about our work, plus interesting features including '"Why We Only Use the KJV Bible" and a page on local Templar activism. We really need to send it to print this coming Monday, so if you're able to help out, please act now!
Thank you and God bless!
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