
Brainwashing Softens UK Up for MORE Immigration

In yet another breach of faith with Britain's overwhelmingly anti-immigration voters, the Johnson regime is forcing through a special brainwashing programme in the Home Office. All workers at the government department - which deals with all immigration issues - are to face 'comprehensive' re-education on the history of migration and race in the UK. 


200 Migrants Cross English Channel In Worst-Ever Day for Border Force

Sunday: One migrant tried to reach Britain in a pedalo stolen from a French beach.

He was among 200 stopped by Border Force teams on the worst day on record for illegal Channel crossing bids.


Do Aborted Black Lives Matter?

New York City health statistics show that more black babies are aborted than are born each year. In the United States, there are 138 abortions for every 1,000 live births. But among blacks, the figure is 501 abortions for every 1,000 live births. Logic indicates that if black lives mattered, BLM would show some concern for the disproportionate rate of abortions among people who are black.  Yet, Alicia Garza, a co-founder of BLM states that “reproductive justice”—that is, abortion—“is very much situated within the Black Lives Matter movement.”

Lockdown Deaths To Outstrip Covid 5 to 1

The UK's 45,000 'Covid' deaths are set to be dwarfed by the number of unnecessary or premature deaths due to the impact of the government's hysterical WHO-enforced lockdown measures. If the figures were corrected to reflect the fact that the covid total includes huge numbers who died WITH covid rather than of it, the 5 to 1 gap shown by the raw figures would be even higher.

Epic Battles of the Knights Templar [video]

This video explores five of the most epic and noteworthy battles in the history of the Knights Templar.

Knights Templar Origins VIDEO

Full-length documentary about the founding of the Knights Templar Order.

Sailors told to stop using terms like 'unmanned' and 'manpower' to avoid turning female recruits off

The Royal Navy is to replace 'seaman' in rank titles and ban the use of 'unmanned' and 'manpower' in a bid to fight fears of sexism.

Satanism & the Alt-Right VIDEO

The so-called Alt-Right has a dark secret: Satanism. The Templars were the first to call this out. Here's a re-release of our first assault. Since then this message has become more widely understood and appreciated, but - as is so often the case - we stood alone for what is right at the beginning.

See also:

Matt Hancock admits Covid-19 UK death figures could include those who died by being hit by a bus

The UK health secretary, Matt Hancock, is ordering an urgent review of the daily Covid-19 death statistics produced by Public Health England, after it emerged that they may include recovered former sufferers who could have died of other causes.

The Knights Templar Order