Apocalypse in California

KT Promotion Work Down Under

"I am a father, I am a brother, I am a man of peace, but most of all... I am a soldier for our Lord Christ." This is the simple but perfect bio on the Discord account of our good Brother Robert Roylance, and he is indeed at the Lord's work.
As the pictrures he has just posted on our Activism page show, Robert has got busy with the stack of Introductory Histories of the Order which he bought recently. What a lovely church that is!
It's great for us to know that the Templars are being promoted literally on the other side of the world. Bravo, that man!
Templar Music - Darkness Lifts

Tucker Stunned by Abortion Truth

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s attorney left America's favourite TV pundit Tucker Carlson nearly speechless after revealing to him that the pharmaceutical industry uses cells from born-alive aborted babies for research.
Aaron Siri sat down with Carlson for a nearly two-hour-long interview with the former Fox News host. Their conversation was released on X on December 27 and has garnered widespread attention on social media as Siri, who is helping Kennedy vet potential staffers for the Health and Human Services Department, was the subject of a hit piece in the New York Times last month.
Among the topics Siri and Carlson discussed was the horrific subject of how Big Pharma relies on aborted babies to make its products.
“In every single dose of an MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) shot, there are literally, literally millions of pieces from the cultured cell line of an aborted fetus in every single injection,” Siri explained to a stunned Carlson. “I could literally pull up right now the CDC’s own ingredient list for the MMR vaccine.”
Siri has won major lawsuits related to medical freedom and vaccine injuries in his litigation experience. He further explained to a bewildered Carlson that in order for the vaccines to be developed, they need to be cultivated on “aborted fetal tissue” that are “alive.”
Building for the Long-Term

With progress on the Priory House restoration project passed by the Christmas/New Year break, we have found a couple of very recent photos which we haven't shared with you before. But it's worth doing, because thy show very clearly the determination to do the very best job possible.
Just as with the buildings in the Chapter House complex at the back of the property, so too is the Priory House work being done to the same exacting standards and long-termist perfectionism.
Here's builder George, but take a good look at the combination of new load-bearing wall and the two RSJ beams. The one in line with the wall is providing reionforcement for the stairs and attic conversion. The one at right angles to it has put an end to the insightly dip in the ceiling, which indicated a serious structural failure developing. Not any more!
We look forward to bringing you further news of progress soon and, as always, thank every single person who has chipped in to help keep this vital project moving forward. Deus Vult!
2024 Annual Report Ready to Print

Our excellent and detailed 2024 Annual Report is all written, laid out and ready to go. After the unacceptable delay in issuing the 2023 Report, a special effort has been made to speed up the latest one, and we've met our target.
The new report is 24 pages as usual. It contains our normal balance of features on internal advances and external material which we believe will be of great relevance to all brethren and serious supporters.
The external material includes the history of the Templar Order in strife-torn Gaza. Plus, as always, our popular Intelligence Report.This is rather different this year, shifting as it does from analysing current events and geopolitics to focus for a change on upcoming new technologies which our team assesses will - for good or ill - have huge impacts on our lives over the next few years.
You will already have heard of some of them, but others may come as a surprise. Artificial Intelligence and the transformation of warfare by drones are already probably familiar, but we've dug a bit deeper for you. And then there are emerging new technologies, from the potential of graphite to the ultra-creepy Frankenstein horror known as Necrobiotics. One thing is certain - the pace of change is speeding up all the time, and those who are aware of what is coming will have the best chance of surfing the waves of change and disruption which are heading towards us.
We've reserved the photo-heavy pages for features such as news of our 2024 Knighting Conclave and reports on the development of our church and priory complex. These really bring home the real-life vibrancy of the Order and the work we do, all of which makes the Annual Report stirring reading for existing Sir Knights, Dames and affiliates, but also a great recruiting tool to hand to serious new prospects you really hope to get on board.
Funds willing, the whole thing is thus ready to go to press as soon as the printers are back from their break, next week. Knowing how good it is - we can't wait!
Brother Iwan Never Stops!

All our good brethren contribute to the growth of the Order, but some contribute very much more than others. Among our best and hardest working is Sergean-at-Arms Iwan Egerstrom. Brother Iwan is a tireless Templar worker, doing a large amount of work behind the scenes, including moderating on our broadcasts and on our intgernal discussion forum on Discord.
Iwan also regularly steps out in his native Sweden, attending traditionalist churches and other places where potential Templars may be found. He was even on the hunt for new prospects over Christmas. Does the man ever sleep?!
Laid! Last Priory Block of 2024

Thanks to the continued generosity of a number of wonderful people, work on our Priory Renovation project was able to continue right up until the beginning of the Christmas break. Our main photo shows Pastor Jim on the scaffolding erected to allow the erection of the vital new load-bearing wall on the edge of the staircase.