
The ghost town once home to the Knights Templar

Rich with a history stretching back thousands of years, Cyprus has no dearth of ghost villages, however few of them have received as much attention as Foinikas, perhaps due to the legends associated with it.

The Templars in Spain

First formed in France in response to attacks on pilgrims to the Holy Land, the Knights Templars rapidly grew until the original nine ‘Poor Knights’ had grown into a powerful international Order.


A Templar Chant – Terra Tremuit

This Psalm foretells the earthquake that happened when Our Lord died, which was a prefigure of the Final Judgment.

Ukraine Lie Machine

The “Son of the Earth”: A monumental tribute to life

A giant sculpture of a baby measuring 15m in length in the middle of the Gobi Desert continues to attract thousands of visitors almost a decade after it was first made.

Historic Templar Church in Cornwall

The church of St Catherine, in the hamlet of Temple is part of the parish of Blisland, in Cornwall, at the far south western point of Britain. It stands on the site of what was the earlier Templar chapel and formed part of the medieval Preceptory of Trebeigh. The name Trebeigh comes from the ancient Cornish language (a version of Welsh) and means 'Little Village'. It is certainly a pretty little place today, and a visit to this ancient Templar site is much recommended.


Garway Templar church

St Michael's Church in the Herefordshire village of Garway, England, is an intriguing 13th century building on a rectangular plan, created from an earlier 12th century round church built by the Knights Templar.

Archaeologists find rare religious relic

Archaeologists have made a discovery inside a marble shrine of an early church in Austria: a significant religious relic adorned with Christian motifs.

Monsanto, picturesque Templar village

Located close to the Spanish border in the centre of Portugal, Monsanto is generally considered to be the most typical and picturesque of all Portugal’s prized villages.

The Knights Templar Order