Pedophile Scandal – The Truth

Pedophile Scandal – The Truth

The resignation of Richard Malone as Bishop of Buffalo, New York, over the failure of the Catholic Church in his diocese to protect young boys from sexual abuse is to be welcomed. But the media coverage of the affair continues with a pattern of dishonesty and cover-up which is also all too familiar.

The media talk about the perpetrators as ‘pedophiles’ or ‘pederasts’. By doing so, they imply that the child-molesting perverts involved are some special category of sexual deviant.

In truth, of course, they are not. The clergymen seducing, perverting, molesting and raping boys in their care are simply homosexuals. They are simply doing what homosexuals have always done – recruiting a new generation of fellow perverts by preying on young boys. It’s what these people do!

And , yet, thanks to the Fake News media, dominated by people both sympathetic to homosexuality and deeply hostile to Christianity, it is Catholicism as an institution, and not homosexuality as an institution, that is being blamed for the homosexuality that has  disgraced the Catholic Church.

The Catholic Church has been infiltrated and taken over by homosexuals. All of the people involved in covering up the homosexuality – which often involved moving priests from one diocese to another, after they’d been caught buggering boys – appear to themselves be homosexuals.

There was a time when all this was widely understood. Just take a look at the view from the 1950s…..



