Does Pfizer vaccine increase risk of COVID infection?

Does Pfizer vaccine increase risk of COVID infection?

Does the Pfizer vaccine increase the risk of coronavirus infection and death from the COVID-19 disease it is supposed to be helping to avoid? A French retired orthopedic surgeon, Gérard Delépine, who together with his wife Nicole, a retired pediatric oncologist, has devoted a great deal of his time to the study of COVID statistics, believes the link is there.

At the present stage of his investigations, he argues that the recent evolution of the epidemic in the countries that presently have highest vaccination rate “gives reason for concern.”

Delépine presented his study in an opinion piece published last Saturday by FranceSoir, the only French daily that is routinely covering dissident information about the pandemic narrative. All numbers quoted were sourced to the World Health Organization’s official data.

The world champion, vaccine-wise, is Israel, which negotiated a priority contract with Pfizer at the beginning of January when stocks started to run low — with a 40 percent hike in prices, according to Delépine. Israel is followed on this list by the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, the U.K. and the U.S. To date, Israel has ascribed 4,080 deaths to COVID-19 for a total of 565,629 “cases” since the first positive tests on March 12.

Vaccinations in Israel started on December 19. Less than one month later, by January 14, over 20 percent of the total population (2 million of a total of about 9 million) have already received at least one jab of the mRNA vaccine. The vaccine contains messenger RNA that will prompt the receiver’s own cells to fabricate the SARS-Cov-2 spike protein (its outer shell), thus eliciting an immunological response.

The technology has never been used before on a large scale on human beings. Testing procedures were accelerated and some of the usual assessments were even scrapped in a “time race” against COVID-19, while at the same time many governments thwarted or banned effective cures for the disease, such as hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, and Zinc, or Ivermectin, and refrained from recommending D3 vitamin supplementation to boost the general public’s immunity.

Back to Israel and its uber-efficient vaccination campaign: started to rise steadily at a high rate as of December 20, from 1,886 cases on December 21 to 8,094 on January 10, observed Gérard Delépine: a 400 percent increase precisely at a time when ever fewer Israelis should have contracted the virus as the inoculation rate rose, and the waiting period for the vaccine to become effective.

Daily death rates also rose quickly, from 18 deaths on December 20 to a high of 67 on January 12. Israel is still in lockdown, the third since last March.

A similar trend can be observed in the U.K., where the vaccination campaign kicked off as early as December 4, also with the Pfizer/BioNTech jab. Daily infections, or cases, as they say, jumped from 14,898 at the start of the campaign to 68,053 on January 8; they are now decreasing.

Of course, case rates are directly related to the number of tests and do not necessarily concern people who are actually ill with COVID-19. But the number of deaths attributed to COVID also rose spectacularly, from 414 on December 4 to 1,564 on January 14 – this is 27 percent higher than the peak 1,224 deaths observed last April. Here also, caution is recommended: A recent article in the London Telegraph showed that the excess mortality in this COVID wave is not very high compared to the spring pandemic.

But there is still a rise. At the same time in France, where the same caveats can be made, the vaccination campaign kicked off so slowly that it is jokingly said that it’s the only country where the minister of health knows the first name of all those who received the jab. But contrary to the U.K., new infections remained low and then rose since January 8, and appear to be descending again, while COVID deaths remained more or less stable on a weekly average basis since the beginning of December.

The death rate per million is also much lower than in countries where the vaccination rate is much higher.

Delépine makes clear in his op-ed that he is not a systematic anti-vaxxer. He quoted illnesses that are transmitted through lack of access to potable water and sewage treatment for which vaccinations are useless in developed countries, such as polio, typhoid fever and cholera, and others for which vaccines have proved to have been insufficiently tested such as the dengue vaccine that caused “hundreds of deaths in the Philippines” and the Gardasil anti-HPV vaccine “that paradoxically increases the risk of cervical cancer.”

He added, “There is no individual benefit to be expected from COVID vaccination for those under 65 years of age, since the disease is milder than influenza in this population, which means this population can expect nothing from COVID vaccines other than complications. And the societal argument, ‘we take the vaccine to protect others,’ is also irrelevant, since there is little evidence that the vaccine is capable of preventing or slowing viral transmission.”

As to fragile populations who are more at risk of developing a severe form of COVID, for whom the vaccine would theoretically be useful, Delépine underscored that the risks associated to the jab itself were “not correctly assessed, in so far as the evaluations refused to include this high-risk population.”

“The precautionary principle therefore justifies not routinely vaccinating them until sufficient transparent data are available affirming efficacy and absence of toxicity in real populations,” he wrote, concluding that those French people taking the Pfizer shot have in reality accepted to be the “guinea pigs” of the phase 3 tests that were omitted in the name of speed.




