Prostitutes Flock to WEF Davos Event
Prostitutes Flock to WEF Davos Event
Follow @KnightsTempOrgAs the Great Reset elite converged on Davos yesterday, the Swiss resort also saw a massive influx of Europe's top prostitutes and expensive escorts of both sexes. It's the same every year, as the holier-than-thou but power-mad hypocrites around Klaus Schwab flock to the posh resort. In 2020, an investigation by The Times found at least 100 prostitutes travel to Davos for the summit according to a Swiss police officer.
The agenda for this year includes gender inequality, but that hasn't stopped a surge in prostitution in the Swiss resort town.
Demand for sex work skyrockets each year at the meeting of world leaders and business tycoons who jet in from all around the world to rub shoulders with each other.
Escorts are booked into the same hotels as high-powered bosses and their employees during the five-day summit, which started on January 16.
The prostitutes typically charge 700 euros for an hour and 2,300 euros for the whole night, plus travel expenses.
The manager of one escort service in Aargau, 100 miles away from the summit, says she has already received 11 bookings for Davos - and 25 further inquiries - and expects many more to follow this week.
She told 20 Minuten: 'Some also book escorts for themselves and their employees to party in the hotel suite.'
Salome Balthus, a sex worker and writer, posted on Twitter: 'Date in Switzerland during #WWF means looking at the gun muzzles of security guards in the hotel corridor at 2 a.m. - and then sharing the giveaway chocolates from the restaurant with them and gossiping about the rich... #Davos #WEF.'
One official driver for the forum said he picked up one sex worker who claimed she had been forced by her 'boss' to sleep with an older client at a delegates' hotel.
Among the topics up for discussion at this year's summit are the Ukraine war, global inflation rates, climate change and inequality.