Renovation Problem Solved

Renovation Problem Solved

"No plan surives contact with th enemy", goes the maxim first phrased by the Prussian military genius von Moltke. And it's as true of house renovation as it is on the battlefield.

Up until this week, our Priory renovation project had all gone according to plan, but that changed suddenly when the specialist who is in the early stages of installing the new stairs to the attic rooms took a good look at the landing floor which will support them. He quickly realised that the floor, aka the entry hall ceiling, was just not strong enough to take the extra weight or withstand the installation work.


Fortunately, the unexpected snag had a simple solution - albeit one which involved extra expense: Holes were punched into the top of the hall walls and a heavy new RSJ bean was put into place. With the landing floor thus fully reinforced, it'll be on with the work on the new stairs above.

Thanks to the several brothers who kicked in with a bit of extra help around payday, your generosity is always greatly appreciated!



