UK School Refuses to Release Details of ‘Secret’ Lessons on White Privilege

UK School Refuses to Release Details of ‘Secret’ Lessons on White Privilege

A 'diverse and historic' London state-funded school in London is refusing to release details of lessons on gender and far-left concepts like “white privilege” to parents.

Haberdashers’ Hatcham College, known as Haberdashers’ Aske’s Hatcham College until Robert Aske, the 1600s-era merchant and haberdasher who served as its benefactor, was deemed problematic for having once invested in a trading company with links to the slave trade, hosts some 1,400 pupils.


Clare Page, the mother of one pupil, has complained along with her husband that pupils at the school are being “indoctrinated” and subject to politically charged material, citing online lessons in which they were asked to produce posters in the wake of the Black Lives Matter unrest following George Floyd’s death and played a rap song featuring the lyrics “our prime minister is a real racist”.

The parents also say pupils were lectured on so-called “white privilege” and “discriminatory systems of power”, according to The Times, and that sexual education lessons sourced from a company that linked to for-profit website promoting pornography until recently.

The school is refusing to show parents some of the teaching materials it is using, however, claiming they are “commercially sensitive” and thus not subject to the Freedom of Information (FOI/FOIA) Act.

“It is unacceptable for schools to hide behind commercial confidentiality in refusing to disclose curriculum resources. There is a clear public interest in parents knowing what their children are taught,” lawyer Paul Conrathe has said of the refusal, which is being appealed to the Information Commissioner, who regulated FOIA requests.




