Sweden's Imported Rape Wave

Sweden's Imported Rape Wave

Third World immigration is a crime against women! That's the lesson that leaps out from the latest rape statistics published in Sweden.

A survey by Lund University has found the majority of convicted rapists in Sweden are of migrant backgrounds, and nearly half of rapists born abroad in a landmark study which is one of the first of its kind in the high-migration level nation.

The study, which was published online on February 22nd, looked at a total of 3,039 convicted rapists and found that 59.3 per cent of the convicts came from ‘migrant backgrounds’ — first and second-generation migrants.

Of the offenders born outside of Sweden — 47.8 per cent in total — 34.5 per cent came from the North African and Middle Eastern region, while 19.1 per cent came from sub-Saharan Africa

Back in 2017, Swedish newspaper Expressen reported that almost every man convicted of gang rape from 2016 and 2017 had a migrant background.

The study was followed just months later by another report, this time published by newspaper Aftonbladet, that confirmed the vast over-representation of migrants in gang rape cases.



