Pages tagged "news"
Does Christianity Have a Future?
Does Christianity have a future? The Polish thinker of the twentieth century Kolokovsky once very accurately said that the struggle against Christianity is not conducted through discussion. The main weapon is a senseless cackling. Not the arguments of opponents, not a system of proofs, not philosophical reflections … But a denial of dialogue and a meaningless laugh.
Of course, we, Christians, ourselves often give rise to a bad attitude towards ourselves. First of all, when we violate the most important commandment of Christ: “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for yourself.” We have no love, therefore they do not see us as His disciples.
But in the center of Christianity is Christ Himself. Therefore, the greatest hate was always towards the God, the Gospel, and not towards the believers. And in society, and in the human heart, according to Dostoevsky’s bright remark, the devil fights against God. Because God Himself is the object of his hatred.
Both in society and in the human heart, the devil fights against God. Because God Himself is the object of his hatred.
It is difficult to fight with Christianity through intellectual discussion. This was well understood, for example, in the Soviet Union. Therefore, Christians were credited with views that they did not have. And then they were ridiculed.
A senseless laugh at the believers is now our most frequent companion. The Kingdom of Heaven, the afterlife – it’s funny for a modern man! We must live here and now! The criterion of quality of life is only one – success. Love for enemies is the notion of the weak! And love itself is fiction. No, of course, you can do love. Just look at the behavior of the heroes of Hollywood movies. They are constantly changing partners and claiming the supposed inevitability of this kind of understanding of love. To haveonly one true love? To be faithful? Fudge. And again a senseless cackle.
But this is the main truth of Christianity – God is love, which once completely changed the world. Changed and saved. It has created a powerful culture with deep meanings. And to us, so wrong, weak, cowardly and sinful, this religion gives both strength and hope.
Is there a future for Christianity in the modern world? I do not know. But I know for sure that the world has no future without Christianity.
Policing in London – just LOOK at the change in 40 years
Policing at the Notting Hill ‘Carnival’….
Having watched this degrading footage, you may like to take a look at the image London’s Police Force used to present. Dixon of Dock Green was regularly watched by 14 million people every Saturday night.
Fiction, of course, but based on fact, and everyone saw it as close to reality, because that was what the ‘Old Bill’ were expected to be, and do.
But that was before the Great Replacement changed much more than the faces and voices of London, among many other places.
Debt – A ‘modern’ form of slavery.
Almost all of us are in debt. This no-punches-pulled video explains the origins of this modern form of slavery.
Usury – the lending of money at interest – has always been condemned in traditional Christian teaching. That it is no longer so in the West is just another sign of the liberal decay afflicting the Church and society in general.
Pope Benedict XIV:
The nature of the sin called usury has its proper place and origin in a loan contract [in contractu mutui]. This financial contract between consenting parties demands, by its very nature, that one return to another only as much as he has received. The sin rests on the fact that sometimes the creditor desires more than he has given. Therefore he contends some gain is owned him beyond that which he loaned, but any gain which exceeds the amount he gave is illicit and usurious.
One cannot condone the sin of usury by arguing that the gain is not great or excessive, but rather moderate or small; neither can it be condoned by arguing that the borrower is rich; nor even by arguing that the money borrowed is not left idle, but is spent usefully, either to increase one’s fortune…or to engage in business transactions. The law governing loans consists necessarily in the equality of what is given and returned; once the equality has been established, whoever demands more than that violates the terms of the loan….
By these remarks, however, We do not deny that at times together with the loan contract certain other titles – which are not at all intrinsic to the contract – may run parallel with it. From these other titles, entirely just and legitimate reasons arise to demand something over and above the amount due on the contract.
When you’ve watched it, please remember that the banksters will be hoping you don’t SHARE it!
Is Corporate Agriculture Poisoning Our World?
The worship of Mammon is killing God’s creation! A catastrophic collapse in the number of flying insects- including the bees that are crucial to our food production, has been confirmed in a major study by researchers at Radboud University in The Netherlands. The results, published this week, indicate that the European insect population has fallen by three-quarters in less than 30 years.
They account for two-thirds of life on earth, and a plentiful and active bug population is indicative of a healthy planet, so rapidly diminishing numbers are ominous. One scientist, Professor Dave Goulson, at Sussex University, is warning the world is ‘on course for ecological armageddon’.
Some 10 per cent of the world’s food production depends on insect pollinators. A 2015 study by scientists at Reading University estimated bees contribute £651 million to the UK economy annually by crop pollination (that’s £150 million more than the Royal Family brings in through tourism).
The contribution of insects to human survival has long been recognised.
In 1901, the Belgian writer and Nobel laureate Maurice Maeterlinck warned: ‘If the bee disappeared off the face of the earth, man would only have four years left to live.’ And while much has been written about the plummeting bee numbers in recent years, the new findings are a stark warning of the reality of Maeterlinck’s prediction.
So what is the cause? The Dutch researchers, whose work is published in the journal Plos One, focused on 63 nature reserves in Germany but say their findings can be extrapolated across all European landscapes dominated by agriculture.
They found the dramatic decline is happening regardless of habitat, land use or the weather, leaving them at a loss to explain what lies behind it.
The scientific evidence points to neonicotinoid insecticides. These novel insect killers employ a sophisticated form of chemical warfare that stops brain cells working, leading to paralysis and death.
Before 2000, neonicotinoid chemicals were virtually unknown. Yet in the space of 20 years they’ve become the most widely used class of agricultural insecticides.
This is despite the fact two vital questions remain unanswered: what do they do to wild bees (as opposed to bees farmed for honey or used in lab experiments)? And what do they do to humans?
There is certainly cause for concern. A 2016 study by Dr Ben Woodcock, an insect ecologist at the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in Oxford, found the use of neonicotinoid chemicals on oilseed rape crops was tripling the extinction rate of wild bee colonies in the UK.
Other investigations show the number of queen bees drops by up to 85 per cent in areas subjected to neonicotinoid chemical use — and surviving queens may produce broods half their normal size.
Honey bees exposed to the chemicals suffer crippling damage to their ability to learn and remember.
‘The sheer loss of pollinators shown in this Dutch study is deeply worrying,’ Dr Woodcock said yesterday. ‘Of all the insects in the world, only some 100 species have been identified as our key pollinators. That’s a very small number to lose. And once we start losing them, there is no guarantee that they will come back.’
In humans, the sparse medical research is worrying. The journal Environmental Health Perspectives reviewed the available evidence — only eight medical studies, none of which has examined what happens to humans who consume the pesticides in food. It concluded we are experiencing ‘widespread exposure through fruits and vegetables’ to these chemicals.
There is early research evidence that shows children born to people exposed to neonicotinoid pesticides may have an increased risk of congenital heart defects, autism spectrum disorders and even lethal brain-developmental problems, while in adults exposure has been linked with memory loss and tremors.
Properly targeted, large studies on humans are desperately needed. The pesticides’ manufacturers, meanwhile, argue there are no problems in humans, and little or no cause for concern with pollinating insects.
But the EU was sufficiently worried to impose a moratorium on the use of three key neonicotinoid insecticides in 2013.
Earlier this month, Swiss scientists announced they had tested honey samples from around the world — including Europe — and found three-quarters of the samples contained at least one type of neonicotinoid pesticide.
In nearly half of the contaminated samples, the neonicotinoids were at levels high enough to poison bees’ brains.
Next month, the European Food Safety Authority will decide if the evidence warrants a total ban on neonicotinoids.
But even if our pollinators do survive this latest wave of chemical devastation, Dr Woodcock warns pesticides are only one factor in a cocktail of problems that are wiping out flying insects.
Intensive farming is a major threat because it destroys the natural habitats that are vital to their life cycles.
Well-meaning attempts are being made to persuade intensive farmers to try to work with nature in order to grow profitably perfect crops.
But economics is against this, and agro-conglomerates are reluctant to ditch pesticides in favour of the hit-and-miss of re-introducing natural insect predators to their fields in the hope they will keep pests such as aphids at bay.
‘How we achieve improvements is going to be very complicated,’ says Dr Woodcock.
‘Nowadays, huge modern farms have only a few people working them, and they depend heavily on pesticides and machinery. We can’t go back to the old days of having huge swathes of agricultural labourers working the fields.’
Some other environmental problems have been exaggerated, or even invented, to create pressure for global governance. But this one seems genuine. And the answer to it is at local or national level – legislation to bring the corporations to heel, coupled with changes in farming practices. So there seems to be no vested interest in creating a ‘scare’ on this subject. To us, it looks all too real!
Romania Votes On Sanctity Of Traditional Marriage
Romania looks set to provide another sign of the growing gulf between the liberal West and the Christian East as it recovers from seven decades of alien Communism.
Read moreMarch in Kothen as ANOTHER German Murdered by Migrants
Two weeks on from the murder of German Daniel Hillig and the ensuing protest and clashes between Patriots, police and far-left radicals, another migrant murder has sent Germans to the streets.
The victim this time was a 22-year-old man, beaten by two men of Afghan origin in the small town of Kothen.
Two Afghans, aged 18 and 20, have now been detained following the second man's death last night.
The police and the public prosecutor's office said: 'Two Afghans were provisionally detained on suspicion of homicide.
'The reasons for, and concrete circumstances of, the incident are not yet known.'
At dusk in Koethen, both far-right and left-wing protesters began assembling to demonstrate.
A vigil and mourning march for the 22-year-old, named by local media as Markus B, also took place at the site of the brawl today.
"Far-right" according to the Daily Mail; not Patriots and ordinary people concerned for the safety of themselves, their loved ones and the future of their nation.
As the situation develops, rest assured, it will not be too long before the “lying press” saturates the airwaves with a torrent o fake news to pacify the population and demonize the protesters; just like Chemnitz…
There are “good reasons to believe” that video footage of extremists hunting foreigners in Chemnitz are fake news, according to Germany’s domestic intelligence chief, undermining Angela Merkel’s insistence that protests against killer migrants were marked by “hate and… the persecution of innocent people”.
“I share the scepticism towards media reports of right-wing extremists chasing down [foreigners] in Chemnitz,” Hans-Georg Maassen told the Bild newspaper on Friday, expressing doubt over the authenticity of a widely-reported video purporting to show Germans ‘hunting’ foreigners.
“Based on my cautious assessment, there are good reasons to believe that this was intentional false information, possibly to detract attention from the murder in Chemnitz” of a German-Cuban allegedly by two asylum seekers, Maassen said.
In front of 2,500 people on Sunday, David Koeckert, a leading figure in the anti-Jihad group Thuegida, warned protesters of the "slaughter of the German people."
"This is war and can be described as such. A race war against the German people. Do you want to remain bleating sheep or do you want to become wolves and shred them?"
As the rhetoric heats up driving Germans to the streets to draw attention to the migrant killings of Germans and resist the Islamization of Germany, Merkel’s position becomes even more precarious.
The Cavalry Charge that smashed the last Islamist invasion of Europe (up until now!)
The Winged Hussars of Poland were the cavalry strike force that raced to the relief of Vienna when it was besieged by by a huge Turkish Army in 1683 on 11th-12th September.
Treacherously aided by the French elite, the Ottomans had swept through central Europe. If they took Vienna, the gates would be opened for them to take all disunited Germany. But then, when all seemed lost, the Poles and their allies arrived and saved the day!
9/11 – Why Doubts Continue To Grow
Today, of all days, first of all we remember those who lost their lives in the Saudi-inspired 9/11 tragedy.
We are not fans of crazy conspiracy theories. All too often much of the wild speculation that sloshes around the Internet actually appears to be deliberate misinformation, put out there to discredit the very real evidence of very real elite manipulation to profit and empower the Few at the expense of all the rest of us. But, that said, it is clear that there really are major problems with the ‘court historians’ version of 9/11.
An important development was the report by a team of engineers at the University of Alaska. After two years of forensic research, they concluded that fire could not have caused the collapse of WTC7. This was the third tower that collapsed hours after the Twin Towers.
Athough the official story is that WTC7 was weakened by fires caused by debris from the attack, it’s the only steel skyscraper in the world ever to collapse purely as a result of a blaze.
The case is so strange that even the Daily Mail – which usually regurgitates the US state’s official line without question – ran a big story showing why so many people do not believe it. In part, this said that:
“A more extraordinary challenge to scientific reason would happen on the day of the attacks in respect of the third tower, WTC7, which contained the offices of the secret service, and then mayor Rudy Giuliani’s emergency command centre, fitted with bullet- and bomb-resistant windows as well as secure air and water supplies.
Bystanders interviewed by U.S. television that day said there were ‘bang, bang, bang’ sounds before it fell down. Yet NIST insisted there was ‘no evidence’ of a controlled explosion.
The fall was provoked by fires on multiple levels. The heating of floor beams and girders had caused a critical support column to fall, initiating the fire-induced progressive collapse that brought the building down.
This week, eminent Alaska University engineers dismissed this explanation. Dr J. Leroy Hulsey, Chair of the university’s Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, said: ‘Fire did not and could not have caused the failure of this building.’
[Professor] Griffin adds: ‘We are led to believe that for the first time in the known universe, a steel-framed, high-rise building was brought down by fire without the aid of explosives or incendiaries.
‘More clearly miraculous was the precise way in which WTC7 collapsed [straight down, with an almost perfectly horizontal roofline] into its own footprint. This is the kind of free-fall implosion that can only be caused by a world-class demolition company.’
Even stranger is this:
But there is another perplexing matter regarding this third building. It concerns the bizarre TV reports in the U.S., and the rest of the world, that it had collapsed when it was clearly still upright — announcements made 23 minutes before it had actually fallen down.
One piece of BBC World footage shows a studio anchor talking to news correspondent Jane Standley, who is standing in front of the clearly visible WTC7 tower.
The anchor says: ‘The 47-storey building, situated very close to the World Trade Centre, has also just collapsed. It seems that this was not the result of a new attack. It was because the building had been weakened during the morning attacks.’
Then, oddly, the link to Standley breaks up and is lost.
In a statement made in 2007, a spokesman said: ‘In the chaos and confusion, I am sure we said things which turned out to be untrue or inaccurate, but at the time were based on the best information we had. We no longer have the original tapes of our 9/11 coverage, for reasons of cock-up, not conspiracy.’
This response — and the question of why the BBC announced the fall of WTC7 before it actually happened — has enraged those fighting for the ‘truth’, such as Matt Campbell. They say a series of 9/11 documentaries put out by the BBC have not been impartial or scientifically accurate.
As the paper points out, all this is making people very suspicious. A survey in U.S. magazine Live Science last year revealed that a majority of Americans (53 per cent) believe the U.S. Government has concealed — and continues to conceal — vital information about the 9/11 attacks.
Some say that the attack was rather like Pearl Harbor – the enemy did it, but the government let them in order to goad the American people into going to war. Others claim the whole thing was an ‘inside job’.
The figure for doubters looks set to grow. A new book by an academic who has become an authority on 9/11, Professor David Ray Griffin, says that to believe that WTC7 fell without explosives being involved is asking the public to believe in ‘miracles’.
Griffin, a retired philosopher at Claremont School of Theology in California, adds in his bestseller Bush And Cheney: How They Ruined America And The World, about the ex-president and his vice-president Dick Cheney: ‘There is a growing consensus that 9/11 allowed the U.S. to adopt extreme, unwarranted policies. They include the War On Terror and the attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq as first steps in taking control of the Middle East.’
He, and other 9/11 sceptics such as Matt, have asked if the attack was, in fact, a copy of Operation Northwoods, an aborted plan during John F. Kennedy’s presidency to stage terror attacks in America and blame them on Communist Cuba as a pretext for a U.S. invasion to overthrow dictator Fidel Castro.
Initially, Professor Griffin dismissed any notion that the attacks were an inside job aimed at triggering the war on terror.
It was a year later that he changed his mind, partly as a result of researching the extraordinary movement of stocks and shares in a handful of companies shortly before the attacks. The Mail story has details of these and they certainly make one think.
And then there is the question of how and why the Twin Towers collapsed:
“The official version is that the Twin Towers collapsed because their steel columns were melted by the heat from the fuel fires of the two crashed planes.
This explanation has been repeated in White House briefings, official inquiries into 9/11, leaks by the U.S. intelligence services and almost every TV documentary on the attack in the U.S. and the UK.
However, sceptics say the science does not stand up. They argue that steel does not begin to melt until it reaches around 2,800f, and open fires of jet fuel — such as those in the Twin Towers inferno — cannot burn hotter than 1,700f.
Official reports state the steel in the third tower reached a maximum of 1,100f.
Professor Griffin and other sceptics believe the Twin Towers were deliberately blown up hours after they had been hit. They claim their controversial theory is corroborated by first-hand testimony from firefighters at the scene.
In oral histories of 9/11 by New York Fire Department staff which have been made public, almost a quarter suggest they heard explosions going off before the World Trade Centre towers collapsed. Of the South Tower, firefighter Richard Banaciski said: ‘There was just an explosion. It seemed like on television when they blow up these buildings. It seemed like it was going all the way round like a belt . . . all those explosions.’
Colleague Kenneth Rogers heard them, too. He said: ‘There was an explosion in the South Tower. Floor after floor after floor. One floor under another after another . . . I figured it was a bomb because it looked like a synchronised kind of thing.
And Fire Captain Dennis Tardio recalled: ‘I hear an explosion and I look up. It is as if the building is being imploded from the top floor down, boom, boom, boom. I stand in amazement. I can’t believe what I am seeing. The building is coming down.’
Watch As Hate-Filled Islamists Spit on 9/11
This shocking video shows a moment of unspeakable shame for all normal, red-blooded American patriots! It’s a couple of years old now, but still deeply shocking. Hate-filled radical Islamists stomp on the Stars and Stripes, shouting “Allah u Akbar” as they insult the martyrs of 11th September 2001.
And what do New Yorkers – civilians and police alike – do about it? Nothing! What a disgrace!
Resistance! Three Days in July Falls Road Curfew 1970
The modern KTI have some close personal connections with Northern Ireland – on both sides of the old divide. We continually promote reconciliation and a future where Orange and Green work together to secure a future for all the true children of the island of Ireland.
So we urge you to watch this brilliant documentary not because we have the slightest sympathy for the terrorists of the Marxist IRA, or for their sectarian and divisive hatred of the loyalist community. Nor do we believe that violence does more than breed more violence.
What is so important in this gripping account of a working class community resisting what it sees as injustice and repression is not the actions of a handful of young men with guns, but how the entire people – particularly the women – rally round in solidarity to support their own.
There is a powerful lesson in this for the English of today. Compare what you see and hear in this video with the thirty years of cowardly silence and then helpless frustration as one million young girls were gang-raped in towns like Rotherham, Newcastle, Bury and Blackburn.
Even today, the English communities so afflicted look to outsiders, such as UKIP or Tommy Robinson, to pressure ‘them’ in Westminster to ‘do something’ to stop it.
Truth is that the women of West Belfast would have stopped it in its tracks if the groomers had tried their vile tricks in their community. Because it was a COMMUNITY, and an injustice done to one family was an injustice done to all.
This is the story of a grass-roots Catholic resistance movement, but you could find similar examples of mass popular involvement in the struggle in the streets of working class Protestant Belfast as well. In the end, it is not about sectarian hatred, but the love of good people for their own – and a willingness to stand up for them!