Pages tagged "openchurchpetition"
NATIONAL PETITION: Lift The Covid Closures On Our Churches NOW!
on Campaigns
· December 01, 2020 4:47 PM
500,000 signatures
NATIONAL PETITION: Lift The Covid Closures On Our Churches NOW!
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The Godless, Covid Tyrants have defied the Supreme Court Ruling and our Churches and Religious schools remain closed.
But Governor Cuomo of New York is saying he will ignore the ruling. Democrats and Far-left lawmakers around the country have pledge to do the same.
You can buy alcohol from the liquor store but you cannot worship the lord in your local Church!
The Covid Plandemic has given the enemies of the Faith the perfect opportunity to attack all we hold dear.
These Christ-hating career politicians are trampling on our constitutional rights and defying the law.
The Days of Persecution are back again!
We call on all god-fearing Americans and friends of religious liberty to sign our NATIONAL PETITION to demand the IMMEDIATE re-opening of ALL our Christian Churches and religious schools.
It is time to end the war on Christianity!