Templar Report: Good Friday Message
Templar Report: Good Friday Message
Follow @KnightsTempOrgOur guest presenter and ordained minister Jim Dowson is here to give us a very special Templar Report on this most holy of days.
Good Friday, the day a great darkness fell over the World!This is day our Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus was arrested, found guilty, brutally tortured and lawfully executed by the authorities at the behest of the Jewish Church leaders of the day in Jerusalem. So WHY call it ‘Good Friday’?
Well, through the death of Christ, God manifest in the flesh HIS people are saved from our frightful condemnation and punishment as sinners. He bore our sins in every lash that scourged his back and it was OUR sins that drove the nails into his flesh. Can you imagine the pain, shame and agony our Blessed Lord suffered?
Yes, he was crucified , died and was buried but unlike Mohamad, Budda, Krishna Christ ROSE FROM THE DEAD and LIVES TODAY !
Some people replace religion with ideology but where are Mao, Stalin, Che, Hitler, Marx today…They are DEAD, but Jesus LIVES, and Jesus alone SAVES!
So trust in NO other name under heaven for Salvation other than Christ Jesus and if you are in any doubt please get on your knees this Easter and ask God to deal with your sin and receive you as a Child of God.
Life will NOT get better necessarily; it may even get harder and following God may get you killed but then you will be a Holy Martyr so follow God for what He has Already done for you NOT for what YOU want Him to do.
God be with you now and forever. Amen and Happy Easter.
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