The abortion lobby Doesn’t Want You To See THIS Movie

Planned Parenthood butcher babies for profit, so it’s no surprise that they are scared of and angry about the new movie, Gosnell, which lays bare the horror of the abortion industry.
Now the Family Research Council has slammed Planned Parenthood for getting a screening of Gosnell at a hotel in Texas cancelled.
“Now, the same organization that insisted Gosnell got what he deserved is doing everything they can to keep his story from being told. In Austin, the local Planned Parenthood is so afraid of people learning the truth about their industry that they bullied the local Hyatt Regency Hotel into canceling a screening of the film,” FRC said on Wednesday, referring to Planned Parenthood once tweeting that it supports the three-life-terms sentence of infamous abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell.
“Why? Because it coincided with Planned Parenthood’s $400-a-plate fundraising gala.”
“Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer,” which is set to open on October 12, was scheduled to be screened on Saturday at the Hyatt Hotel in Austin.
The screening would have taken place at the same time as a Planned Parenthood gala dinner headed by Cecile Richards, the organization’s former CEO.
On Monday, the movie’s producers were told that despite paying their deposit and signing a contract, the hotel decided to cancel the screening for “security reasons.”
Producer Ann McElhinney revealed to WND that over 250 people had planned to attend the screening before the cancellation.
“But now thanks to the bullying of Planned Parenthood and the cowardice of the Hyatt they won’t get to see the Gosnell Movie and the truth about abortion,” producers Ann and Phelim McElhinney wrote in an email to supporters.
“Gosnell,” which was funded in part by a $2.3 million crowdfunding campaign, is set to be released to 750 theaters nationwide in October.
The plot is based on the real-life trial of Gosnell, the abortionist who in 2013 was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the death of a female patient, and three counts of first-degree murder in the deaths of four babies born alive inside his clinic.
An investigation into Gosnell’s abortion facility in Pennsylvania, which came to be known as the “House of Horrors,” found that it contained dozens of aborted babies and body parts stored in jars.
FRC criticized both the Texas hotel and Planned Parenthood for getting the screening canceled.
“If anyone’s a security risk, it’s the group killing 881 babies a day! Of course, no one should be surprised at Planned Parenthood’s pathetic attempt to shut the movie down. They’re probably afraid more Americans will make the connection between Gosnell’s barbarism and their support for procedures just like it,” the conservative group argued.
“After all, if the group really wanted to spare women from these horrors, they’d fight for tougher clinic regulations. Instead, they’ve spent the last two decades trying to stop doctors from helping born-alive babies. Obviously, like Gosnell, they only believe ‘wanted’ children have rights.”
We encourage people to go to the theaters on October 12 and watch the movie “that the abortion industry doesn’t want you to see.”