The Atheist Plan To Destroy Notre Dame

The Atheist Plan To Destroy Notre Dame

Some call it paganism, others worshipping the Earth Goddess, others still refer to Gaia, and pretend that the concept of a conscious, self-regulating Earth is somehow a ‘scientific’ concept.

Top French design bureau Vincent Callebaut Architectures has gone viral with its plans to replace the roof of the medieval cathedral with a glass shell filled with solar panels, and anti-Christians everywhere are getting active on social media (despite their rabid far-left views, THEY don’t get banned , shadow-banned and deplatformed) to try to build support for this radical change.

Underneath would be a “sustainable” farm capable of producing 21 tons of fruit and vegetables each year, to be given out for free to the homeless. Not coincidentally perhaps, this is at least the third eco-garden proposal that has been made public, while the vast majority of the submitted designs for the planned reconstruction feature a glass roof.



