Toronto Catholic school board’s website links kids to LGBT resource promoting gay sex
Toronto Catholic school board’s website links kids to LGBT resource promoting gay sex
Follow @KnightsTempOrgIn exactly three clicks from the website of Toronto’s Catholic school board, children are able to access homosexual sex guides where they can learn how to “find” gay sex by “cruising” or in “parks and public washrooms,” how to engage in “fisting,” and “how to have lesbian sex.”
In its “Resources for Students” page, the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) lists LGBT Youthline as a resource for “Student Mental Health & Wellness.” Clicking on this link brings children to LGBT Youthline’s main page where hovering over “Our Programs” brings up the option “Online Resources.” Clicking on this option brings children to resources for “Sex, Sexual Health & More.” Links to explicit homosexual content intended for adults are included as resources, including the following links:
Primed²: A Sex Guide for Trans Men into Men — Here, youth find a “sex guide for trans men” where they learn to "find sex” by “cruising,” at "bars and nightclubs,” at "parks and public washrooms,” and at “bathhouses and sex clubs.” The guide includes pornographic images of men engaging in homosexual acts, information on BDSM practices, and information on “sucking," "f*cking,” and "fisting."
Autostraddle - Articles on sex and dating for queer women, trans and non-binary people — Here, youth learn “how to have lesbian sex,” they can read “sex toy” reviews, and they can view lesbian “erotica.”
Brazen - Trans Women Safer Sex Guide — Here, youth learn about "trans sex work” as a "fun way to support yourself and pay for hormones and surgeries,” putting on an online sex "cyber show," "sucking and licking…someone’s crotch or ass,” “fisting...insert your entire hand (or most of it) into your partner’s ass or vag/frontal hole,” and other homosexual practices.
LGBT Youthline places a “Quick Hide” button on the top right of its website so that children accessing the site at home or at school can click the button and immediately be directed to an image of Wikipedia’s homepage, but not the real homepage, so as to hide the content they are viewing.
The Catholic Church teaches that homosexuality is one of the four sins that cry to heaven for justice. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that “basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that ‘homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered’. They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved” (CCC 2357).
The Catholic Church furthermore teaches that the homosexual inclination is also “objectively disordered” since God created sexual attraction for the purpose of drawing a man and a woman together to become husband and wife in marriage.
After a local Toronto blogger Joe Volpe called attention to TCDSB linking to LGBT Youthline in a Jan. 8 post, the board immediately removed the link, telling LGBT Youthline that same day that it had “inappropriate material” on its site. LGBT Youthline fought back, demanding on Jan. 11 that the TCDSB “immediately re-instate LGBT YouthLine in their resources for youth.”
On Jan. 13, TCDSB Trustee Norm Di Pasquale and Derek Chen, Superintendent of Equity, Diversity & Indigenous Education, Community Relations, met with LGBT Youthline. The outcome of the meeting was that TCDSB reinstated LGBT Youthline’s website on the school board’s list of resources for young people.
Another outcome of the meeting was that Trustee Di Pasquale presented a motion on Jan. 14 for the establishment of a student-led committee to “focus on respecting differences and LGBTQ+ matters with the intent of empowering our student voice system-wide.” The motion was carried.