Trans Thought Police Harass Civil Servants
Trans Thought Police Harass Civil Servants
Follow @KnightsTempOrgAn increasingly aggressive Trans lobby is making life Hell for civil servants who dare to take a stand for normality. Civil servants who uphold the reality of biological sex are being likened to Nazis by pro-trans colleagues.
A senior official has revealed that during an online meeting between diversity networks in the Ministry of Justice, accusations were made against members of the Sex Equality and Equity Network (SEEN). One official branded a recent SEEN event “incredibly damaging and upsetting”.
The cross-government network is committed to protecting the belief that “biological sex is binary and immutable” and that “biological sex matters for both women and men in our everyday lives”.
A letter leaked to The Daily Telegraph revealed that in April over 40 staff from 16 Civil Service departments warned Cabinet Secretary Simon Case that gender ideology has “distorted” Whitehall’s impartiality.
The signatories stated: “Many of us have experienced some form of professional disadvantage because we do not believe that the concept of gender identity is meaningful, or that it is more important than sex. Several of us have been through stressful and intrusive employment disputes.”
They urged Case to “ensure that Civil Service impartiality is upheld, and freedom of belief is respected”, by stopping Whitehall from being “reordered” around an “ideologically motivated” movement.
Former Cabinet Minister Sir Conor Burns said he was “extremely pleased civil servants are now starting to challenge” transgender ideology.
“There is a sort of tendency to outsource all rational thinking on these issues to Stonewall, who frankly – have become like a sort of thought police. The chasing of Stonewall certifications of compliance and excellence and all the rest of it is now pervading not just the civil service but the NHS and parts of education as well.
“It’s become a really, really serious problem.”
Leaked Civil Service internal communications have revealed the damaging impact of radical gender ideology across its departments.
A newsletter from the Ministry of Justice’s Gender Equality Network claimed: “In many societies, the gender binary is a product and tool of colonialism and white supremacy.”
In the Foreign Office, guidance claimed that gender-confused staff could “use whichever toilet they feel most comfortable using” and that “it is unacceptable to insist that a trans person is only permitted to use a gender-neutral toilet”.
Earlier this year, the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) launched an investigation into the 2021 census over concerns the transgender population had been overestimated because the question on gender identity may have confused respondents whose main language was not English.
A Whitehall source has now criticised the Office for National Statistics (ONS) for endangering its “credibility” over its “hugely overestimated” conclusion that there are 262,000 transgender people in England and Wales.
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