Upcoming Templar Event in Pittsburgh
Upcoming Templar Event in Pittsburgh
Follow @KnightsTempOrgAfter 900+ years It humbles me to say that the Knights Templar International Order is now moving ahead with the establishment of the first ever Priory in the USA, a REAL Priory not just a name.
The First step in this process is bringing together our American Brethren in Conclave or Conference where we can discuss the needs and requirements of the brethren and how best to proceed.
Therefore, I am extending a long-awaited personal invitation to you (and your spouse) to attend the KTI-NOM Conclave/Conference in Pittsburgh, PA at 12 noon on the 6th of July.
If you are a member and wish to attend The Knights Templar conference, please click on this link.
The price will be $189 and this includes: Registration, Full Day Conference, Sit Down Lunch, Evening Meal in Ball Room and Sunday Breakfast Meeting and Farewell.
This is a Black Tie event. If you are Full life member, please bring your Regalia.
This has taken many years to get to this point and I am humbled to be privileged to see the long-awaited American Priory finally taking root. I wish Gods blessing upon it and you dear brother.
There is only two weeks to go, so if you wish to attend, you must book now!