WEF proposes ‘space bubbles’ to block sun’s ‘rays’ in fight against ‘global warming’

WEF proposes ‘space bubbles’ to block sun’s ‘rays’ in fight against ‘global warming’

The World Economic Forum posted a video to social media saying scientists are considering launching a “Brazil-sized” raft into space to reflect some of the sun’s rays to counteract so-called global warming.

“MIT scientists say ‘space bubbles’ could help reverse climate change,” opens the recently uploaded video titled “Could a Brazil-sized space raft help reverse global warming?”

“By reflecting the sun’s heat away from earth, scientists say cutting out just 1.8% of the sun’s rays would fully reverse global warming,” continues the video, adding that it may still be “several years before space bubbles might be put to use, making the task of decarbonizing life on Earth no less urgent.”

Explaining how the scientists would blot out the sun’s rays, the video claims that the “bubbles would be manufactured in space by robots” and would “form a ‘raft’ about the size of Brazil.”

“This [raft] would be placed at a Lagrange point, that is, a point in space where the sun and earth’s gravity balance each other out,” the video outlines.

“This would keep the raft fixed in position. This kind of large-scale solution to climate change is called geoengineering,” the globalist group adds.

According to the WEF, several “geoengineering” ideas have already been “proposed” by scientists, including “spraying aerosols into the upper atmosphere” for “churning up tiny bubbles on the ocean’s surface,” all with “the aim of reflecting solar radiation back into space.”

Of course, the WEF is not alone in thinking blocking out the sun is a feasible or wise strategy for tackling so-called climate change.

Tech billionaire Bill Gates has also floated the idea in the past, as well as other radical ideas such as reducing “greenhouse gas emissions” to “zero,” drastically reducing the human consumption of meat, and even using remote-controlled microchip contraceptives.



