Will you remember your forefathers sacrifice 100 years on?
As usual the world remembers our war dead at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11 month each year but this year marks the centenary since the guns fell silent on the western front.
Our forefathers fought and died in their millions to secure our future, the least we can do is to pay homage to their sacrifice. This is not a sight-seeing trip; it is a Holy pilgrimage and a sacred duty to honour the memory of our ancestors.
We know that most simply can’t afford to go, or other commitments prevent one from attending, so here’s what the Templars propose this centennial year.
After presenting the scroll and laying wreaths at the great memorial arch we shall bury the sacred scroll in a solemn internment service so that YOUR ancestor’s memory shall forever be united with those of his long dead comrades.
We invite you to send in your names and do what you can to support the trip. Please send the following:
Name, Rank, Regiment (If possible but not necessary) to [email protected]