Ireland fights to save the unborn and her future
It is not easy being a Pro-life activist anywhere in the West. Those that hold the view that the cruel butchery of the unborn are sneered upon by Left-wing fanatics, labelled women-haters and every other pejorative their minuscule minds can muster. But in the run up to the abortion referendum this month in Ireland, campaigners dedicated to safeguarding Ireland's future have come up against intense opposition.
Earlier this month, Mark Zuckerbergs Facebook banned Pro-life advocates for advertising on his platform, denying those opposed to the multi-million-pound death lobby access to arguably the most important platform for political campaigning and awareness in the modern era.
In recent weeks, pro-death vandals have destroyed countless posters objecting to the introduction of infanticide in Ireland and activists are having to contend with harassment and threats on the streets.
Activists on the street have told us of outright intimidation of young activists by groups of hard leftists. Only one person, a Dublin woman, has been arrested so far for destruction of property.
Their visible fear should give us an inkling as to which way the wind is blowing.
In the run-up to Brexit and the 2016 U.S presidential elections polls predicted a comfortable victory for the establishment. They were wrong!
In Ireland, the liberal pollsters are running scared. In the months running up to the referendum, the polls showed a sizable majority in favour of the legalisation of abortion but with every week and poll that passed that gap narrowed, as the Irish people were forced to grapple with their conscious and the magnitude of what they were being asked.
It has become almost near impossible to find a recent poll and if one looks at the number of attendees both camps have attracted to their rallies, it is easy to see why the liberal media and polling organisations have ceased surveying the population.
Whilst we may find brief joy in the meltdown and panic of the abortion-promoting left, make no mistake, this is not the time for complacency. Countless sums of cash have been poured into the campaign to legalise the slaughter of Irelands children by the likes of George Soros’ Open Society and other globalist goblins. It is nothing less than a titanic struggle between a nation of only 4.6M people and internationalist institutions and the richest and powerful men in world.
Ireland is one of the last hold-outs in Europe that has up until now refused to sacrifice their children for progressive kudos and short-term economic growth. All Christians and true Conservatives the world over must rally to the call and do whatever they can, no matter how big or small, to defend and champion the rights of Ireland's unborn.
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