Mr Trump - Save Our $61 Billion

29 signatures
Goal: 50,000 signatures

Will you sign the Appeal to President Trump to Reverse Mike Johnson's $61 Billion Treason?

$95 Billion. That’s the unimaginably large price of Speaker Mike Johnson’s appalling and treacherous surrender to the Democrats, the corrupt Military-Industrial Complex and the hidden bribery and blackmail machine that dominates Capitol Hill.

Especially in an America with collapsing infrastructure, taxpayers already bled white and a border invasion, the sums being given away are simply obscene.

$61 Billion is for new Ukrainian weapons systems, or to replace the US weapons we’ve already paid for, but which have been turned into scrap in an unjust war that has nothing to do with us.

The Biden-linked Zelensky crime syndicate will get more than $9 Billion more in ‘forgivable loans’. We know who’s paying for those too!

Then there’s Israel. On top of the Billions they’ve already had, the hugely powerful Zionist Lobby on The Hill have gouged a further $26 Billion from the American taxpayer – either in actual cash or in new debt that will still burden our great-grandchildren – if America survives anything like that long.

A final $8 Billion will go to Taiwan. That’s another place in which our political elite have absolutely no business meddling – especially at our expense. Even if China did walk in and take the place back, would it really matter to ordinary Americans that they’d put an end to Pride Parades?

Speaker John's treachery is a DISASTER for all Americans. That's why we're mobilising as many people as possible to sign this letter to Donald Trump, urging him to confirm his determination to undo the whole package and to save our $61 Billion.

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Will you sign?

Tell President Trump – We The People say “Scrap the Mike Johnson Robbery Package!


Dear President Trump

We write to you en masse, and on behalf of even more Americans, to urge you to make a firm and irrevocable pledge to stop this whole fraudulent package in the first 100 Days of your new government.

Rather than sending $61 Billion to meddle abroad in war, we urge you to commit yourself and your future administration to keeping this money here at home. Some of it left in the pockets of overtaxed Americans. Some of it used to rebuild the crumble infrastructure, revitalise the industries and communities, and look after the people of this great country of ours

We want you to use our money not for destructive and dangerous foreign wars, but for a constructive American peace. We want the money used to care for our people, especially children, veteran and good folks who’ve worked hard all their lives.

We want taxes left in the pockets of struggling families can’t make ends meet, even with both parents working. We’re tired of the way the Democrats and Beltway RINOs ignore and rob us. We’re sick of being treated as tax cows.

Perhaps, most of all, we are horrified by the sight of so-called ‘patriots’ throwing away $Billions to corrupt foreign regimes and corporate lobbies, while our Border forces are denied the resources and the lacking the mean to stop the full-scale invasion of our own country. We need to defend Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California before throwing money and arms to Kiev, Tel Aviv and Tawain.

Thank you for listening, Mr. President. Stay safe and stay focus. We’ll be wish you come November, and then onwards when you save our $61 Billion and Drain the Swamp for good!

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The Knights Templar Order