Well after 900+ years It humbles me to say that the Knights Templar International Order is now moving full steam ahead with the establishment of the first ever Priory in the USA. Unlike many others, we only establish a priory when one exists, ie, a Building, thus a REAL Priory not just a name. Therefore, we must first secure the Building then we can legally constitute an American Priory with an installed Prior and full complement of office bearers.
Being a functioning military order, we have broken this down into objectives.
First objective Secure a building… COMPLETED!
We have already procured of a superb Church Building in Houston Texas. Now this is secured the re fit will be the next objective, then the consecration and installation of the new priory (We invite suggestions for an appropriate name). Then all that will be left is the choosing of a man fit to carry the title Grand Prior of the USA.
Ok, first objective now completed, now we must start the ball rolling raising funds. We have made good progress on this to raising over $15,000 in a few short months so this is going ok at present, but we need to hit around $50,000 to be sure all work, legal expenses and unforeseen costs are met with a contingency in reserve.
We need to raise money for this new trip and American Conference in Pittsburgh, PA. This will run in at around $4,000 to bring our key people in from across the world.
Can I count on your support?