Reconquista – The Full History

Reconquista – The Full History

The history of the Reconquista was a 781 year medieval journey. It began when Christian division led to catastrophic defeat at the hands of an Islamist army.

It was the story of the Christian War of Reconquest against Islamic Spain. A struggle that was not always constant or consistent. The Christian kingdoms of the northern Iberian Peninsula held their ground, clinging to survival. Indeed, for the first three hundred years, the struggle was more about survival than reconquest. In time, as the initiative shifted and the great Caliphate fell; Asturias, Leon, Castile, Navarre, Aragon, and Portugal would have the chance to press the offensive. They were hampered along the way by the Almoravids and later the Almohads – and of course fought amongst themselves. This video covers the full history up till the year 1212 and the famous Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa.



