Take it down from the mast

For 30 years, Sinn Féin attempted to bring the state of Northern Ireland to its knees through the armalite and ballot box – taking the lives of almost two thousand people in the process. Their aim to drive the British army and government from Ulster only to welcome the importation of millions from the Third World boggles the minds of their former supporters.

Sinn Féin councillors Sean Tyrrell and David Kennedy attended the opening of the temporary Kilkenny mosque last week. The construction of a mega-Mosque in Kilkenny was opposed by residents, but their concerns fell on deaf ears as the Irish government – with the support of all the opposition parties including Sinn Féin – presses ahead with their 21st century plantation policy.

Regarding the construction of the mega-Mosque itself, we now hear that it’s in abeyance, that we might hear something more about it by the end of the summer after the architect is finished answering all the Council questions – not one of which is surprisingly to do with the towering height of the mosque over the graveyard despite a whole shoal of objections over that.

Sinn Féin not only welcomes the changing face of Ireland, the displacement and replacement of the indigenous population, but the Islamisation of the nation, in whose name, they bombed and maimed for self-determination.

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