Medieval French Stone Cross for the Mary Magdalene Templar Chapel.
It has seen wars, plagues, dictators come and go. Help us bring it to our Magdalene Chapel while we still can.

We have been offered this gothic carved stone cross to adorn the top of our small Magdalene Chapel. Like our little Church, this cross has been lovingly made to glorify God. We have first claim on this Cross IF we can pay the much reduced asking price of £1,600 or $ 1,878 in the next few days!
This Cross as stood high up upon the gable of a French Church and over the centuries has seen invasions, plagues, reformation and revolutions. It has seen tyrants rise and fall and has witnessed a thousand Holy days processions and funeral corteges.
Kings and Queens have passed beneath its weathered curves, it has seen Napoleon come and go and guarded over regiments as brave American dough boys marched past and embraced a thousand British Tommys seeking shelter beneath it’s comforting shadow.
Imagine how many men and women, boys and girls down through the mists of time have glanced up to THIS cross in times of despair, gaining hope and strength from the symbol of our living faith?
$1,800 or £1,600 is all we need to realise our dream and have this ancient French cross; they symbol of the faith of our fathers crowning our simple House of God. Can we count on YOU today to help us secure this Holy Cross and relic of a bygone age?