Templar Seal Sword
NOTE: You do not need a license to own any of the products we are actually selling on the website, they are also all legal to own in the U.K. This straight edge sword does not contravene the CJA 1998 or any subsequent amendments and complies fully with the Law regarding the manufacture, sale & shipping of bladed articles.
By law you must now be 18 or over to purchase a knife/sword. We age verify all orders, even those placed with Visa or Mastercard Credit Cards (as both are now offered to under 18's), so please make our lives a little easier and fill in all the forms on the checkout page, especially the contact numbers section as we will inevitably need to call some customers to assist with verifying age of the purchaser where background checks have failed. We would also hope you will act responsibly with your new purchase and it is a condition of purchase that you will NEVER CARRY IT IN A PUBLIC PLACE. By purchasing from this site you are committing yourself to our terms and conditions.