The end of Merkel

No head of state has done more to willingly destroy their own nation than German chancellor Angela Merkel. The alleged Marxist propagandist has clung to the reigns of power for 13 years but ruptures within the coalition government over her open border policy has brought her to her knees.

Mrs. Merkel could not be more unpopular if he she tried. Crowds flock to the streets when Angela is in town but not to greet her with flowers and applause; instead she is subjected to a torrent of abuse by furious mobs and an army of heavies is needed to protect her.

Now a two-week deadline has been set for Merkel to come to an arrangement with other EU nations to agree a common EU migration policy. Unfortunately for Angela, Italy and Austria elected populists’ governments and the Visegrad nations (Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic) are not budging. Her coalition partner, Horst Seehofer, the head of Bavaria's Christian Social Union, demanded that borders are closed to all migrants that previously registered in other EU nations.

If Merkel were to sack Seehofer, her coalition would surely collapse and striking a deal with her European partners seems equally unlikely. She has bought herself a little time, but her moment of reckoning is near. Fifty-three percent of all refugees registered in the EU in 2017 currently live in Germany which has seen a dramatic escalation in violent crime.

Seehofer has never forgiven Merkel for her decision to allow asylum seekers to flood Germany, causing death and carnage in their wake, as well as running up a massive welfare debt.

Tensions are rising throughout Germany after the rape and murder of Susanna Maria Feldman by an Iraqi migrant. The teenager's body was found by police close to a railway track in the Erbenheim area of Wiesbaden. Prosecutor Achim Thoma said that strangulation was the cause of death. It is only one in a long line of shocking crimes that has rocked the European power and has shone a spotlight on Merkel’s invitation to third world to come and settle in Germany.

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